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Fingerprint biometrics systems project

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May 17, 2004
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Hai everyone

I am doing Fingerprint biometrics systems project ,
I have to implement the Finger print algoritm in Altera NIOS II (soft IP) to implement in Altera FPGA

Any body have any code regaring the fingerprint identfication and matching please send me

Any body have idea to convert matlab code into HDL code

so any one have any idea
please help me in this regard

Thanking you




Valzha Valamudan

finger print matching with neural network

Check out these two books, which you can download from the Forum:

They can be quite useful in your project ..
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autocorrelation in image matrix+fingerprint

oh great !!!

Its a good project ... but many products are available... its very cheap to get a
finger print reco module...

There is no way of converting a MATLAB code to Verilog/VHDL...

vhdl fingerprint

would you please tell me about some fingerrprit scanner? or some fingerprint recognition system standlaone? Where can I find Them?

how to use backpropagation in fingerprint

There is a perfect valid way to convert from matlab to VHDL . But it dependends on the libraries that you are using .If you only use matrix operations then is easy .But if you use some matlab internal functions ..well you will need to replace them for ones that you have the code to be converted .with a tool like accelchip .
But accelchip is a $30,000 piece of soft .Another way is to do it by hand .just start recoding in vhdl parts of yout matlab algorithm ..
Soon there will be another way .. and is with a C synthesis tool that has been announced .once you have C you could use some other C-> vhdl synthesis tool like Handel C ..but all this is expensive !

backpropagation algo for fingerprint

I am using Fujisu MBF200 Fingerprint Sensor to capture the fingerprint image
i am using Veridicom software to capture the image, but i am unable to save the image,

i need the TIFFAPR.DLL
if anybody having the dll file
plz send me


veridicom + fingerprint + driver

I will recommend you to study Gabor Wavelet For Finger Print Enhancement and then use a normal Multi-Perceptron Neural Network with a back propagation model for recognition of finger print.


how to implement fingerprint detection


"I am using Fujisu MBF200 Fingerprint Sensor to capture the fingerprint image "

How did you find this sensor ? Is it possible to sample it ? if not how can i buy it ?
Any link to acquire this chip .

thanx and regards


finger print vhdl

hai bilgekaan

I got the sensor chip from fujitsu sales office from delhi(india)
i am using Verdicom software to view the picture
but i unable to save the file


fingerprint matching (hardware design circuit)

Here is a very useful website for biometric fingerprint.

**broken link removed**

matching neural network

hai everyone

am using Fujisu MBF200 Fingerprint Sensor to capture the fingerprint image
but i unable to save in verdicom software.

Is there any other fingerprint driver / software to save the fingerprint image from the sensor


fingerprint matching project india

Hello Viay Kumar and Fuzzzy,

Check out the wesite

They have all that you want and is relatively cheap compared to kits from Atmel, TI, Authentek and some other names.

I hope that this helps.


mbf200 source code


Whether it is possilbe to access (or get ) the images from the sensor to the matlab directly by using image acquistion toolbox

i am having veridicom software for the MBF200 fujitsu sensor

Vazgha Valamudan

nn backpropagation project bsc matlab

Hi, Swahlah

Do you have any idea about the fingerprint image enhancement and matching? I'm doing a project of Fingerprint Recognition system using Neural Network. I plan to use BackPropagation Network but have no idea how to implement it. I use Matlab. Facing problem with the image enhancement and feature extraction. Can you help on this? TQ

positionierung in verrilog

Hi leekk8,
Back Propagation is a good option for this problem. You can use Multi-Layer Perceptrons using BAck Propagation Algorithm. Well I think u can do it easily in Matlab using nn toolbox. For finger print enhancement i think u first do some sort of Edge enhancement operation... u can use unsharp masking to enhance edges... Also use some sort of contrast adjustment and histogram equilization if ur finger print is lacking proper brightness and contrast distributions.
One technique for feature extraction may be PCA [Principle Component Analysis]. Get the eigen vectors and then match the vectors with the candidate print.

I will recommend u to use Neural Networks toolbox... i think the command is nntool.....
use it

-Best Regards,

fingerprint matching using neural network

Hi, Shafique

Thanks for your reply. Anyway, I'm not sure how to the PCA. Do you any resources that I can refer regarding this PCA? It's better if there're some Matlab examples doing this. I will try to enhance the fingerprint using your method. Thank you


use sensor in fingerprint matlab code

Dear leekk8,
Sorry for late reply... i couldn't check the replies for a week due to work load at office.........
I have worked on this problem roughly 2 years ago and at that time i had lots of documents and matlab + C examples of this..............
It will take me some time to search the documents from my backup CDs.... kindly give me some time to find some good documents for you....
Hopefully next week some day i will upload these for you.

-Best Regards
findmax function on dsp c6713

Hi, Swahlah

It's ok for the delay. Thanks a lot for your help. I think your document will be very helpful for me. In fact, I'm thinking how to put the whole fingerprint image into the backpropagation network. Do I need to crop it to certain area of the fingerprint image? Which area I should use? Are directional image and singular point detection important in the recognition part?
There're a lot of questions I ask. You take your time to get the documents. Thanks a lot for your help.


feature extraction, pca, fingerprint, matlab

I wouldn't recommend this autocorrelation .

This method is hardly used in practice based on its limitations. This method could work with images that are identical (no stretch, bend, etc.) Due to fine details nature of fingerprint image, a little twist will affect the value of correlation.

Even if you have identical images, it still requires heavy computations. Since the nature of images that are not scanned at the same time won't be at the exact same location and orientation w.r.t image frames, to find maximum correlation the template will have to be shifted and rotated at a very small scale (because of the fine details of fingerprints.) Other than computations for correlation at each shifts and rotations, for each rotation it requires interpolation computations(or other kind of compensation) since pixels fall off the retangular grid.

Also, the missing parts of the scanned affect the correlation values, then in order to normalize it you will need to determine the actual area (including the missing parts and the parts that are not overlapped) on which the correlation are calculated.

Imagine doing all of the above for each image.

In short, it is very computationally expensive and still most likely to fail. It's not a bad idea to read what other people did to understand the nature of the problem better.

good 6713 project dsp download

Do anybody have idea about how to put the fingerprint image into a backpropagation neural network?

Thank you.

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