Newbie level 1

bldc motor sensors
hi all guys
i'm developing a system of bl dcmotor with avr microcontrolor
now i have some problem to be solved.
because the motor has 3 hall sensors,i want to caculate the motor speedby compute frequency value of the sensor pulse.but i can't think out a perfect algorithm.
in addion i compare the real speed value with desired_speed and the via PID tuning, output the PWM width to the motor drive part to change the voltage of motor,further change the speed of it,now i select ATmega64 as controlor,and IR2130 as motor drive through a 3 phase inverter bridge supply,here eager for your opinion,any words hopful.thanks
hi all guys
i'm developing a system of bl dcmotor with avr microcontrolor
now i have some problem to be solved.
because the motor has 3 hall sensors,i want to caculate the motor speedby compute frequency value of the sensor pulse.but i can't think out a perfect algorithm.
in addion i compare the real speed value with desired_speed and the via PID tuning, output the PWM width to the motor drive part to change the voltage of motor,further change the speed of it,now i select ATmega64 as controlor,and IR2130 as motor drive through a 3 phase inverter bridge supply,here eager for your opinion,any words hopful.thanks