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Xilinx Multiplier V7.0 question

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Jun 13, 2005
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xilinx multiplier


I'm using the "Multiplier Generator V7.0" IP Core to calculate the squared magnitude of a complex number a+jb, i.e. I calculate a^2+b^2.

To calculate a^2 and b^2 I use two of the mentioned multiplier cores. When I do a behavioral simulation everything is OK.

When I simulate the placed and routed model, the result is also OK, but shortly before the correct a^2 or b^2 is stable, there are fast changes in the values of a^2 and b^2.

What's the problem ?


xilinx+multiplier timing

The default Coregen settings are registered input and registered output. Did you change the output to non-registered? That would cause combinatorial wiggling for a few nanoseconds. That's normal, because you are looking at the output of the multiplication logic.

I usually don't bother using that core. I simply put a*a and b*b and some registers into my HDL.


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yes, I have registered the multiplier output. But I still have the mentioned problem.
Did you see this problem too, when you use the Core multiplier ?

The IP Core uses a 18x18 hardware multiplier of the Virtex II. Using a*a and b*b builds a combinatorial multiplier, doesn't it ??

Thanks fro your help,


Added after 11 minutes:

By the way, could you give me little example in which way you generate registers at the input and output of a component like a multiplier ?

I'm not that experienced.


I use Virtex II also. I'm running ISE 6.3i SP3 and Modelsim SE 6.0c.

Yes, a*a is combinatorial. If you want to go fast, add some pipeline registers like in my Verilog example below. PAR says it will go 171 MHz in a 2V80-4. I could push it somewhat faster by using advanced placement constraints.

module top(clk, y);
  input                     clk;    // synthesis attribute period clk "6.0ns";
  reg signed         [17:0] a=1;
  reg signed         [35:0] p;
  output reg signed  [35:0] y;

  always @ (posedge clk) begin
    a  <= {a,a[17]~^a[10]};         // LFSR noise generator
    p  <= a * a;                    // ISE uses the multiplier's input register
    y  <= p;                        // ISE uses the chip's IOB register

I don't think I've ever tried the Coregen multiplier. I'll try it and report back a little later.


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thanks, you're very helpful.

So, "posedge clk" generates the register ?
I use VHDL and I guess I can use "rising_edge(clk)" to generate a clocked register, right ?

i guys
I'm using Xilinx 7.1, and I can't found coregenerator.
Is there a free version, I need it urgently.

waiting your reply

Well, rats. I can't inspect the Coregen multiplier output because ISE renamed the core's output bus to crazy names and mixed them in with about 500 other crazy names. I can't tell what's what. I rarely do post-route simulation because it's so messy.

How long is your interval of "fast changes"? If it's one or two nanoseconds, then it's probably just the normal routing skew of the 36 bit bus. If you run the bus across the chip, the skew may increase by a few more ns.

I don't know VHDL. In Verilog the "always posedge clk" block defines a section of clocked logic. My example has three ordinary clocked registers: a, p, and y.

Beware that ISE will sometimes move registers around combinatorial logic. For example, if you put several pipeline registers on the output of the multiplier, ISE may move one or two of them to the input side to improves performance. Sometimes ISE moves registers to hurt performance. ISE isn't perfect.

wwahib2 - I think ISE always includes coregen. Try searching your hard drive for coregen.exe. Its directory should be in your path.


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The interval of "fast changes" is about 0.55 ns whereas the clock period is about 10.9 ns. This should be no problem (hopefully) ??

Yes I know, there are thousands of signals when I simulate a placeed and routed model and I also often can't find the ones I'm interested in.

By the way, I also observed the "fast changes" when using your method of implementing the multiplier, i.e. by writing a*a. Can you see this too ??

Only 0.55 ns? That sounds like a relatively small delay skew among the bus signals. Your signals probably don't travel very far. Each bit takes a slightly different path.

You can use FPGA Editor to view the routes and timing. It's educational, somewhat fun, and occasionally disappointing. In the "List" window, select "Routed Nets", highlight the signals in your bus, and click Tools -> Delay. That will fill in the "Max Pin Delay" column with the path delays. Beats me why it's called "pin delay". You can also sort the list by column - sometimes very useful.

Yes do I see the time variations in my a*a approach. Looks normal.


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I discovered something (which I do not understand:

When I start the simulation of the placed and routed design within ISE, I get the mentioned "fast changes". But when I end the simulation and restart it within Modelsim the "fast changes" are gone ??!?? Hää

Can I trust Modelsim/ISE ???

Added after 17 minutes:

FPGA Editor seems to be a nice tool. Is there a tutorial available about this tool.
I'd like to learn more about it.

I don't use Project Manager, so I can't guess what's happening with your ModelSim restarts. It doesn't sound like a ModelSim bug though. More like something sending the wrong files to ModelSim. Which is exactly why I don't use Project Manager - too much hidden activity.

I haven't seen an FPGA Editor tutorial. Just the stuff under "Help".


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