Advanced Member level 4 s/h
i am designing a S/H circuit.which is used in the 14-bit pipeline ADC.the main parameter : the AMP dc gain=104db, GBW=160MHz. sampling capacitor=13p.
and the S/H's load=14p.the S/H circuit's architecture is flip-around(the architecture is referenced in this paper:A 3-v 340-mw 14-b 75-Msaple/s CMOS ADC with 85-db SFDR at Nyquist input).but now i have two prolems:
1):at the hold phase,the sampling result is always not as the expected result.
2):at the hold phase,the sampling result is falling down.but when the input is small,the result is retaining,and dosen't fall down,i guess this maybe for the common-mode range is too samll?!
otherwise,the input port of the AMP always will gitch when the hold phase clock is starting. this is not for the switch,when i use ideal switch,the phenomenon still exist.
then what is the reason.
i attempt to use the ideal AMP,but the hspice always tell the internal step is too small.i use the decription :Eamp outn outp opamp inn inp
thanks first!
i am designing a S/H circuit.which is used in the 14-bit pipeline ADC.the main parameter : the AMP dc gain=104db, GBW=160MHz. sampling capacitor=13p.
and the S/H's load=14p.the S/H circuit's architecture is flip-around(the architecture is referenced in this paper:A 3-v 340-mw 14-b 75-Msaple/s CMOS ADC with 85-db SFDR at Nyquist input).but now i have two prolems:
1):at the hold phase,the sampling result is always not as the expected result.
2):at the hold phase,the sampling result is falling down.but when the input is small,the result is retaining,and dosen't fall down,i guess this maybe for the common-mode range is too samll?!
otherwise,the input port of the AMP always will gitch when the hold phase clock is starting. this is not for the switch,when i use ideal switch,the phenomenon still exist.
then what is the reason.
i attempt to use the ideal AMP,but the hspice always tell the internal step is too small.i use the decription :Eamp outn outp opamp inn inp
thanks first!