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[help] design a tv modulator

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Jul 5, 2005
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i wan to ask ..
i need to design a tv modulator using mc1374 (motorola) but then i can't find this IC.

is there any substitution ? or any alternative IC to design a tv modulator ?
thanks a lot ~~

tda 8822

I think MC1374 is obsolete, but MOTOROLA manufactures now the best IC modulators that you can find over the world: the MC44BCXXXX family.
how to extend my tv signals through power lines

Does motorola still produce ICs? i heard most of their operations has been transferred to freescale rite?
tv modulator chip

you can use philips modulator chip
go to philips semiconductor and search modulator for mor information
fm modulation chip

Ok, its Freescale not Moto, all big manufactures have reorganized their activities, it's difficult to remind all new names !

video signal modulator ic

i couldnt find any information for philips moulator chip...

anyway the tv modulator i nned to design for LOW frequency operation (~~ 15-25MHz) becz i need to transmitt via a power line. Does moto/freescale IC support this ? from what i know their operation frequencies range from 30-450MHz ..

+tv +modulator +i2c

I've used Philips modulator TDA8722, but now I use MC44BC373 from Freescale.
The first one needs and external LC tank to build the RF oscillator, Philips says that the minimum osc. frequency is 47 MHz but maybe you can extend it down several MHZs, but you must try it.
Regarding to MC44BC373, it has a nice integrated VCO in the UHF band, low frequencies are obtained by dividing the main VCO, take a look to the datasheet but I think it is possible to get your desired frequency,

In any case, you must note that power lines are very noisy and maybe PAL or NTSC mod, as a form of AM mod, are not adequate for this application.
I think you should use FM mod, see

tda 6060xs,registers

is the chips u mention above adequate for FM application ? yea FM would be a better choice.

tda ic tv modulator

These chips aren't designed to FM modulate the RF carrier, but if you're a brave engineer you can use the TDA8822, and try to modulate the varactor of the main VCO with your video signal, of course you must modify the loop filter to accomodate the high bandwidth.

If this solution doesn't work then you must build a discrete LC VCO, and synthesize it!

At the receiver you must use a wideband PLL FM Dem (Zarlink SL1466, Freescale MC1355, etc.)

philips modulators

these chips aren't designed for FM ? i've heard TDA8822. anyway i'm not a brave engineer but a enginnering student asking some questions on behalf of my project.

i'll try to find out what you'd mention. thanks man !!!

chip modulator tv

i've found the TDA 8822 datasheet but unfortunately i cant get the product information ( it's avaliability) in philips semiconductor website. is taht an obselete product ?? its release year was 1997.

help needed .. thanks!

video modulation help

iplaywithheart said:
i've found the TDA 8822 datasheet but unfortunately i cant get the product information ( it's avaliability) in philips semiconductor website. is taht an obselete product ?? its release year was 1997.

help needed .. thanks!

Yes, it's obsolete since last year.

You can use also TDA6060XS from Infineon which is completely digital controlled via I²C Bus and its performance is quite good. I have used it for some project before and I recommend it..
Product link..
tv modulator using motorola

thanks man !! but then this TDA6060Xs required a I2C software programming for the chip is it ?(as i read in the application notes .. correct me if wrong) frankly this is a weak part for me. anyway thanks for ur help !!

mc1374 proyect

iplaywithheart said:
thanks man !! but then this TDA6060Xs required a I2C software programming for the chip is it ?(as i read in the application notes .. correct me if wrong) frankly this is a weak part for me. anyway thanks for ur help !!

You're right. It needs I²C bus software to control it. But Im' very sure that if you request a demoboard from them, they will send you a control software dedicated to TDA6060XS using with RS232 or parallel port of a PC.

In additional to, on internet it's quite possible to find some assembler codes or C++ routines to implement I²C protocol via either a microcontroller or directly a PC..
Then, you may implement your application layer software from these sources.

Good Luck
freescale modulator i2c

is TDA6060XS suitable for FM modulating the video signal ?? coz what i need now is modulationg both audio and video signal using FM ... AM is not adequate for power line communication.

video sending modulators

iplaywithheart said:
is TDA6060XS suitable for FM modulating the video signal ?? coz what i need now is modulationg both audio and video signal using FM ... AM is not adequate for power line communication.

But you haven't mentioned it before ?? :wink:

If you intend to send video signal over power network, consider first that te video signal has 6MHz bandwidth. So if you use FM, you should use minimum 12MHz carrier regarding to Nyquist criteria, indeed it's much more higher than. This is only theoritical limit.

And to send FM modulated video signal , in my opinon is not a good way due to big reflections and harmonics on the power line. In addition, there will be many propagation delay compare to video signal frequency and they may create some unsyncronizations at the receiver..

And many things may happen..
tv modulator in network design

Dr Strangelove said:
In any case, you must note that power lines are very noisy and maybe PAL or NTSC mod, as a form of AM mod, are not adequate for this application.
I think you should use FM mod, see


here Dr Strangelove did mention about FM method.. becoz i'm transmitting analog voice/video signal, so i have to choose among AM or FM to use. After all i've found out FM been a better choice insteed of AM. but then i could hardly find in the market that any ICs would do both FM modulation for voice/video signal ... philips got 1 IC -- NE564 which can do this but then it's already out of order :cry:

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