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How to design a barrel shifter using verilog language?

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May 29, 2004
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Hi, everybody
I want to design a barrel shifer in our design, but I don't how to discribe it using verilog language, or it is only can be generated in the synthetize statge?

thanks for any reply!!
clive chen

verilog has got operators for shift function.
for ex: to shift "A" by 5 towards left, u need to write like A << 5.

A barrel shifter has much more functions then a simple shifter.
- selects arbitrary contiguous n bits out of 2n input buts.
- right shift: data into top, 0 into bottom;
- left shift: 0 into top, data into bottom;
- rotate: data into top and bottom.

Here is an example o simple verilog code that's doing a barrel shifter:

module shifter(data,b,result);
parameter Nminus1 = 31; /* 32-bit shifter */
input [Nminus1:0] data; /* compute parity of these bits */
input [3:0] b; /* amount to shift */
output [Nminus1:0] result; /* shift result */

assign result = data << b;

This is a very simple behavioral code for 8 bit input data:remember n bit data can be at most shifted by n you need log2(N) bits in shift control.

module barrelshift(a,b,sh);
parameter N=8;
parameter shift=3; /*equal to log2(N)*/
input [N-1:0] a;
output [N-1:0] b;
input [shift:0] sh;
reg [N-1:0] b;
always @(sh or a)
case (sh)
3'b000: b = a;
3'b001: b = a>>1;
3'b010: b = a>>2;
3'b011: b = a>>3;
3'b100: b = a>>4;
3'b101: b = a>>5;
3'b110: b = a>>6;
3'b111: b = a>>7;


here is a 16-bit shifter in vhdl, you can easily convert it into verilog ;-).....

enjoy my code....(code is provided without any warrenty of any kind....!!!!!)

library IEEE;
use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;

entity shifter is
      a : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
      b : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
      c_in : in std_logic;
      opsel : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
      result : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
      c_out : out std_logic;
      ofl_out : out std_logic
end Shifter;

architecture dataflow of shifter is 
   signal shltemp, shrtemp, saltemp, sartemp, roltemp, 
          rortemp, rcltemp, rcrtemp, carry_result : std_logic_vector(16 downto 0);
   ShiftLogicalLeft: process(a , b, c_in) is
      case b is
         when "0000" => shltemp <= c_in & a(15 downto 0);
         when "0001" => shltemp <= a(15) & a(14 downto 0) & "0";
         when "0010" => shltemp <= a(14) & a(13 downto 0) & "00";
         when "0011" => shltemp <= a(13) & a(12 downto 0) & "000";
         when "0100" => shltemp <= a(12) & a(11 downto 0) & "0000";
         when "0101" => shltemp <= a(11) & a(10 downto 0) & "00000";
         when "0110" => shltemp <= a(10) & a(09 downto 0) & "000000";
         when "0111" => shltemp <= a(09) & a(08 downto 0) & "0000000";
         when "1000" => shltemp <= a(08) & a(07 downto 0) & "00000000";
         when "1001" => shltemp <= a(07) & a(06 downto 0) & "000000000";
         when "1010" => shltemp <= a(06) & a(05 downto 0) & "0000000000";
         when "1011" => shltemp <= a(05) & a(04 downto 0) & "00000000000";
         when "1100" => shltemp <= a(04) & a(03 downto 0) & "000000000000";
         when "1101" => shltemp <= a(03) & a(02 downto 0) & "0000000000000";
         when "1110" => shltemp <= a(02) & a(01 downto 0) & "00000000000000";
         when "1111" => shltemp <= a(01) & a(00)          & "000000000000000";
         when others => shltemp <= (others => '0');
      end case;
   end process; 
   ShiftLogicalRight: process(a, b, c_in) is
      case b is
         when "0000" => shrtemp <= c_in & a(15 downto 0); 
         when "0001" => shrtemp <= a(00) & "0"               & a(15 downto 01);
         when "0010" => shrtemp <= a(01) & "00"              & a(15 downto 02);
         when "0011" => shrtemp <= a(02) & "000"             & a(15 downto 03);
         when "0100" => shrtemp <= a(03) & "0000"            & a(15 downto 04);
         when "0101" => shrtemp <= a(04) & "00000"           & a(15 downto 05);
         when "0110" => shrtemp <= a(05) & "000000"          & a(15 downto 06);
         when "0111" => shrtemp <= a(06) & "0000000"         & a(15 downto 07);
         when "1000" => shrtemp <= a(07) & "00000000"        & a(15 downto 08);
         when "1001" => shrtemp <= a(08) & "000000000"       & a(15 downto 09);
         when "1010" => shrtemp <= a(09) & "0000000000"      & a(15 downto 10);
         when "1011" => shrtemp <= a(10) & "00000000000"     & a(15 downto 11);
         when "1100" => shrtemp <= a(11) & "000000000000"    & a(15 downto 12);
         when "1101" => shrtemp <= a(12) & "0000000000000"   & a(15 downto 13);
         when "1110" => shrtemp <= a(13) & "00000000000000"  & a(15 downto 14);
         when "1111" => shrtemp <= a(14) & "000000000000000" & a(15);
         when others => shrtemp <= (others => '0');
      end case;
   end process;
   ShiftArithmaticLeft: saltemp <= shltemp;
   ShiftArithmaticRight: process(a, b, c_in) is
      variable s : std_logic;
         s := a(15);
      case b is   
         when "0000" => sartemp <= c_in & a(15 downto 0); 
         when "0001" => sartemp <= a(00) & s                                                         & a(15 downto 01);
         when "0010" => sartemp <= a(01) & s & s                                                     & a(15 downto 02);
         when "0011" => sartemp <= a(02) & s & s & s                                                 & a(15 downto 03);
         when "0100" => sartemp <= a(03) & s & s & s & s                                             & a(15 downto 04);
         when "0101" => sartemp <= a(04) & s & s & s & s & s                                         & a(15 downto 05);
         when "0110" => sartemp <= a(05) & s & s & s & s & s & s                                     & a(15 downto 06);
         when "0111" => sartemp <= a(06) & s & s & s & s & s & s & s                                 & a(15 downto 07);
         when "1000" => sartemp <= a(07) & s & s & s & s & s & s & s & s                             & a(15 downto 08);
         when "1001" => sartemp <= a(08) & s & s & s & s & s & s & s & s & s                         & a(15 downto 09);
         when "1010" => sartemp <= a(09) & s & s & s & s & s & s & s & s & s & s                     & a(15 downto 10);
         when "1011" => sartemp <= a(10) & s & s & s & s & s & s & s & s & s & s & s                 & a(15 downto 11);
         when "1100" => sartemp <= a(11) & s & s & s & s & s & s & s & s & s & s & s & s             & a(15 downto 12);
         when "1101" => sartemp <= a(12) & s & s & s & s & s & s & s & s & s & s & s & s & s         & a(15 downto 13);
         when "1110" => sartemp <= a(13) & s & s & s & s & s & s & s & s & s & s & s & s & s & s     & a(15 downto 14);
         when "1111" => sartemp <= a(14) & s & s & s & s & s & s & s & s & s & s & s & s & s & s & s & a(15);
         when others => sartemp <= (others => '0');
      end case;
   end process;
   RotateLeft: process(a, b, c_in) is
      case b is
         when "0000" => roltemp <= c_in & a(15 downto 0);
         when "0001" => roltemp <= a(15) & a(14 downto 0) & a(15);
         when "0010" => roltemp <= a(14) & a(13 downto 0) & a(15 downto 14);
         when "0011" => roltemp <= a(13) & a(12 downto 0) & a(15 downto 13);
         when "0100" => roltemp <= a(12) & a(11 downto 0) & a(15 downto 12);
         when "0101" => roltemp <= a(11) & a(10 downto 0) & a(15 downto 11);
         when "0110" => roltemp <= a(10) & a(09 downto 0) & a(15 downto 10);
         when "0111" => roltemp <= a(09) & a(08 downto 0) & a(15 downto 09);
         when "1000" => roltemp <= a(08) & a(07 downto 0) & a(15 downto 08);
         when "1001" => roltemp <= a(07) & a(06 downto 0) & a(15 downto 07);
         when "1010" => roltemp <= a(06) & a(05 downto 0) & a(15 downto 06);
         when "1011" => roltemp <= a(05) & a(04 downto 0) & a(15 downto 05);
         when "1100" => roltemp <= a(04) & a(03 downto 0) & a(15 downto 04);
         when "1101" => roltemp <= a(03) & a(02 downto 0) & a(15 downto 03);
         when "1110" => roltemp <= a(02) & a(01 downto 0) & a(15 downto 02);
         when "1111" => roltemp <= a(01) & a(00)          & a(15 downto 01);
         when others => roltemp <= (others => '0');
      end case;
   end process;  

   RotateRight: process(a, b, c_in) is
      case b is
         when "0000" => rortemp <= c_in & a(15 downto 0);
         when "0001" => rortemp <= a(00) & a(00) & a(15 downto 1);
         when "0010" => rortemp <= a(01) & a(01 downto 0) & a(15 downto 02);
         when "0011" => rortemp <= a(02) & a(02 downto 0) & a(15 downto 03);
         when "0100" => rortemp <= a(03) & a(03 downto 0) & a(15 downto 04);
         when "0101" => rortemp <= a(04) & a(04 downto 0) & a(15 downto 05);
         when "0110" => rortemp <= a(05) & a(05 downto 0) & a(15 downto 06);
         when "0111" => rortemp <= a(06) & a(06 downto 0) & a(15 downto 07);
         when "1000" => rortemp <= a(07) & a(07 downto 0) & a(15 downto 08);
         when "1001" => rortemp <= a(08) & a(08 downto 0) & a(15 downto 09);
         when "1010" => rortemp <= a(09) & a(09 downto 0) & a(15 downto 10);
         when "1011" => rortemp <= a(10) & a(10 downto 0) & a(15 downto 11);
         when "1100" => rortemp <= a(11) & a(11 downto 0) & a(15 downto 12);
         when "1101" => rortemp <= a(12) & a(12 downto 0) & a(15 downto 13);
         when "1110" => rortemp <= a(13) & a(13 downto 0) & a(15 downto 14);
         when "1111" => rortemp <= a(14) & a(14 downto 0) & a(15);
         when others => rortemp <= (others => '0');
      end case;
   end process;

   RotateCarryLeft: process(a, b, c_in) is
      case b is
         when "0000" => rcltemp <= c_in & a(15 downto 0);
         when "0001" => rcltemp <= a(15) & a(14 downto 0) & c_in;
         when "0010" => rcltemp <= a(14) & a(13 downto 0) & c_in & a(15);
         when "0011" => rcltemp <= a(13) & a(12 downto 0) & c_in & a(15 downto 14);
         when "0100" => rcltemp <= a(12) & a(11 downto 0) & c_in & a(15 downto 13);
         when "0101" => rcltemp <= a(11) & a(10 downto 0) & c_in & a(15 downto 12);
         when "0110" => rcltemp <= a(10) & a(09 downto 0) & c_in & a(15 downto 11);
         when "0111" => rcltemp <= a(09) & a(08 downto 0) & c_in & a(15 downto 10);
         when "1000" => rcltemp <= a(08) & a(07 downto 0) & c_in & a(15 downto 09);
         when "1001" => rcltemp <= a(07) & a(06 downto 0) & c_in & a(15 downto 08);
         when "1010" => rcltemp <= a(06) & a(05 downto 0) & c_in & a(15 downto 07);
         when "1011" => rcltemp <= a(05) & a(04 downto 0) & c_in & a(15 downto 06);
         when "1100" => rcltemp <= a(04) & a(03 downto 0) & c_in & a(15 downto 05);
         when "1101" => rcltemp <= a(03) & a(02 downto 0) & c_in & a(15 downto 04);
         when "1110" => rcltemp <= a(02) & a(01 downto 0) & c_in & a(15 downto 03);
         when "1111" => rcltemp <= a(01) & a(00) & c_in & a(15 downto 02);
         when others => rcltemp <= (others => '0');
      end case;
   end process;

   RotateCarryRight: process(a, b, c_in) is
      case b is
         when "0000" => rcrtemp <= c_in & a(15 downto 0);
         when "0001" => rcrtemp <= a(00) & c_in & a(15 downto 1);
         when "0010" => rcrtemp <= a(01) & a(0) & c_in & a(15 downto 2);
         when "0011" => rcrtemp <= a(02) & a(01 downto 0) & c_in & a(15 downto 03);
         when "0100" => rcrtemp <= a(03) & a(02 downto 0) & c_in & a(15 downto 04);
         when "0101" => rcrtemp <= a(04) & a(03 downto 0) & c_in & a(15 downto 05);
         when "0110" => rcrtemp <= a(05) & a(04 downto 0) & c_in & a(15 downto 06);
         when "0111" => rcrtemp <= a(06) & a(05 downto 0) & c_in & a(15 downto 07);
         when "1000" => rcrtemp <= a(07) & a(06 downto 0) & c_in & a(15 downto 08);
         when "1001" => rcrtemp <= a(08) & a(07 downto 0) & c_in & a(15 downto 09);
         when "1010" => rcrtemp <= a(09) & a(08 downto 0) & c_in & a(15 downto 10);
         when "1011" => rcrtemp <= a(10) & a(09 downto 0) & c_in & a(15 downto 11);
         when "1100" => rcrtemp <= a(11) & a(10 downto 0) & c_in & a(15 downto 12);
         when "1101" => rcrtemp <= a(12) & a(11 downto 0) & c_in & a(15 downto 13);
         when "1110" => rcrtemp <= a(13) & a(12 downto 0) & c_in & a(15 downto 14);
         when "1111" => rcrtemp <= a(14) & a(13 downto 0) & c_in & a(15);
         when others => rcrtemp <= (others => '0');
      end case;
   end process;

   with opsel select
      carry_result <= shltemp when "000",
                      shrtemp when "001",
                      saltemp when "010",
                      sartemp when "011",
                      roltemp when "100",
                      rortemp when "101",
                      rcltemp when "110",
                      rcrtemp when "111",
                      (others => '0') when others;

   result <= carry_result(15 downto 0);

   c_out <= carry_result(16);

   -- overflow is defined for 1-bit shift/rotates 
   process(carry_result, opsel, a) is begin
      case opsel is
        when "000" => -- sll
           ofl_out <= carry_result(15) xor carry_result(16); 
        when "001" => -- slr
           ofl_out <= a(15);
        when "010" => -- sal
           ofl_out <= carry_result(15) xor carry_result(16);
        when "011" => -- sar
           ofl_out <= '0';
        when "100" => -- rol
           ofl_out <= carry_result(15) xor carry_result(16);
        when "101" => -- ror
           ofl_out <= carry_result(15) xor carry_result(14);                  
        when "110" => -- rcl
           ofl_out <= carry_result(15) xor carry_result(16);
        when "111" => -- rcr
           ofl_out <= carry_result(15) xor carry_result(14); 
        when others =>
           ofl_out <= '0';
      end case;   
   end process;

end dataflow;


    Points: 2
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here is the simple code for barrel shifter in verilog using muxes:

module shifter_main(Q,A,C0,C1,C2,Cin,Cout);
input [7:0] A;
input C0,C1,C2,Cin;
output [7:0] Q;
output Cout;
reg [1:0]S;
always @ (C0 or C1 or C2)
if(C0) S=2'b00;
else if(C1) S=2'b01;
else if(C2) S=2'b10;
else S=2'b11;
shifter cct(Q,S,A,Cin,Cout);
end module

module Barrel_shifter_main(A,C0,C1,C2,C3,Q);
input [7:0]A;
input C0,C1,C2,C3;
output [7:0]Q;
reg [2:0]S;
always @ (C0 or C1 or C2 or C3)
if(C0) S=3'b001;
else if(C1) S=3'b011;
else if(C2) S=3'b101;
else if(C3) S=3'b111;
else S=3'b000;
barrel_shifter shfter(A,S,Q);
end module

The code for the 4x1 MUX used in the Shifter;
module mux(y,d0,d1,d2,d3,s);
input d3,d2,d1,d0;
input [1:0]s;
output y;
reg y;
always @ (d0 or d1 or d2 or d3 or s)
case (s)
end module

module mux8x1(y,d0,d1,d2,d3,d4,d5,d6,d7,s);
input d0,d1,d2,d3,d4,d5,d6,d7;
input [2:0] s;
output y;
reg y;
always @(d0 or d1 or d2 or d3 or d4 or d5 or d6 or d7 or s)
case (s)
end module


module shifter(Q,S,A,Cin,Cout);
input [7:0] A;
input [1:0]S;
input Cin;
output [7:0] Q;
output Cout;
parameter d=1'b0;
reg Cout;
mux mux1(Q[7],A[7],Cin,A[6],d,S);
mux mux2(Q[6],A[6],A[7],A[5],d,S);
mux mux3(Q[5],A[5],A[6],A[4],d,S);
mux mux4(Q[4],A[4],A[5],A[3],d,S);
mux mux5(Q[3],A[3],A[4],A[2],d,S);
mux mux6(Q[2],A[2],A[3],A[1],d,S);
mux mux7(Q[1],A[1],A[2],A[0],d,S);
mux mux8(Q[0],A[0],A[1],Cin,d,S);
always @ (A or S)
case (S)
2'b00: Cout=0;
2'b01: Cout=A[0];
2'b10: Cout=A[7];
2'b11: Cout=0;

//The code for the rotator;
module barrel_shifter(A,S,Q);
input [7:0]A;
input [2:0]S;
output [7:0]Q;
parameter d=1'b0;
mux8x1 mux0(Q[7],d,A[6],A[5],A[4],A[3],A[2],A[1],A[0],S);
mux8x1 mux1(Q[6],d,A[5],A[4],A[3],A[2],A[1],A[0],A[7],S);

mux8x1 mux2(Q[5],d,A[4],A[3],A[2],A[1],A[0],A[7],A[6],S);
mux8x1 mux3(Q[4],d,A[3],A[2],A[1],A[0],A[7],A[6],A[5],S);
mux8x1 mux4(Q[3],d,A[2],A[1],A[0],A[7],A[6],A[5],A[4],S);
mux8x1 mux5(Q[2],d,A[1],A[0],A[7],A[6],A[5],A[4],A[3],S);
mux8x1 mux6(Q[1],d,A[0],A[7],A[6],A[5],A[4],A[3],A[2],S);
mux8x1 mux7(Q[0],d,A[7],A[6],A[5],A[4],A[3],A[2],A[1],S);

hello every body ..can any one tell me what is a code for 8 bit barrel shifter and how its work

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