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Help :I want to start now with ATMEL AVR microcontroller ..

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Apr 12, 2005
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How are you all .. I had just finished a project about Infrared Remote control receiver and programmable secret code lock controlled via this remote control, this project was based on the PIC16F84A microcontroller .. and i had learnt many things during this project ... almost all feautures of this PIC ( they may be few ) .. and now i want to start with the AVR microcontrollers .. what is your advice to me to start with .. assembly or C ? and which AVR microcontroller ? and any other usefull recommendations you see ..

Please help me to learn it .. thank you very mcuh ..

getting start learn avr

el slamo 3lkem

Really i`m new too in AVR world but i`m saying a truth avr has some goods
it satisfy me to have very cheap burner that u can made with ur self at home (STK 200)i got Atmega8515 nice one huge one (32 i/o pin) and work initialy without crystal(contain internal oscillator u choose its speed 1,2..8MHZ) very nice
if u will use it then use codevision very powerful programmer and AvrStudio is very nice simulator..really test it free from atmel site...
el slamo 3lekom

text operations atmel avr c

If you want to get started with AVRs you really should pay a visit to and have a look around there (especially their forum section). It is full of advice and get start guides. I highly recommend using Winavr compiler, it is reliable and there is a heap of advice on how to use it in the Avrfreaks forum.

As the Above Poster mentioned, getting a STK500 is a good idea as put simply, they are one of the best devboards out there.
best atmel avr library

i think its better you start with assembly to understand hardware good. you can learn from this link for start:
good luck

avr 369

oddbudman said:
If you want to get started with AVRs you really should pay a visit to and have a look around there (especially their forum section). It is full of advice and get start guides. I highly recommend using Winavr compiler, it is reliable and there is a heap of advice on how to use it in the Avrfreaks forum.

As the Above Poster mentioned, getting a STK500 is a good idea as put simply, they are one of the best devboards out there.

Thank you .. But I don't know where to get the 'win AVR' and also don't know what it ? :) thank you very much
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which avr choose start to learn

Hello Guys

It seems we have hidden AVRers in the forum, I think I am going to abandon PICs and start my journey again with AVRs.

Free C compiler, which is built under GPL "General Public Lice
nse", which means its free as long as there is electricity.

Nice powerful forums, I had no idea that AVRers had powerful tools and compilers, especially those free ones.

By the way, I am not sure if GCC works on windows, cuz simply I have not downloaded yet :)

By the way, if any can post a link for a like powerful free C compiler for PICs.


atmel avr microcontroller how to start

Winavr is the windows port for AVR-GCC. It really is a nice package to get started on the AVR with. It is basically a free C compiler for AVRs that comes with a debugger, a makefile creater, a microcontroller programmer and a Text Editor (close to what you could call an IDE- programmers notepad).

ahmad_abdulghany, please learn to use google ( and read the links I gave you. I went out of my way to help you but you don't even seem to be able to help yourself.

metal: I highly recommend the AVRs, they are a fairly straight foward microcontroller to work with and the gcc forum at avrfreaks is second to none.

If your getting started with Winavr, probably the most important link I can give you is
The AVR Libc package provides a subset of the standard C library for Atmel AVR 8-bit RISC microcontrollers. In addition, the library provides the basic startup code needed by most applications.
profile floating point avr

Hello oddbudman

Anyway, I have not downloaded the GCC compiler yet, but before I do, do the compressed files contain executables, or just the source files from which I have to build executables, cuz I had SDCC free compiler for PICs, that only contained source files, and I could not find the executables.

If any one can redirect me to find executables for both GCC, and SDCC C Compilers, I will appreciate that.


start avr microcontroller

I think that you started strongly with me.. i told you that i want to start learning AVR approximately from scratch .. i.e. I need start up tutorials, book, ... or anything else ..

thank you very much for your help .... Ahmad ..

choose atmel avr

Salam Ahmad

You can go to and login there to download the free IDE "KamAVR" and search for "WinAVR" and downlaod tht one for windows.

When you finish installing, search inside the folder of WinAVR for *.PDF and you will find the manual from which you can start with AVRs directly, of coudrse you will need some AVR datasheets so you read about the hardware :)

My self, I wish that these tools I mentioned above where for PICs, cuz when I downloaded SDCC, I discovered that its not supporting PICs yet, just underdevelopment :( and there is no IDE text editor :(:( So I had to downlaod syn editor, after all, as I said, SDCC does not support PICs yet.

Of course, Programmers editor that comes with WinAVR setup file is the latest version of this editor, its nice also, but I did like KamAVR much more because of the pretty interface, error & warnings is much improved over Programmers editor.

I have taken a look at some Atmel AVRs datasheets, they look good indeed, more timers, and more free user registers I remember 32X8 , but my destiney was to start with PICs, so I will stick with PICBasic Pro, and Microchip. I don't think that I need to go to another product line, although AVRs worth the trial, but I had no problems at all using PICs neither PICBasic Pro compiler, except for floating point vriables and true floating point math operations support that PICBasic Pro lacks to.


syn compiler avr

metal said:
Hello Guys

By the way, I am not sure if GCC works on windows, cuz simply I have not downloaded yet :)


GCC works on windows .. just download Cygwin and it check for the GCC to be downloaded within .. then u will get everything once u install the cygwin .. exactly as if u r running ur own linux

floating point v atmel avr


GCC works on windows .. just download Cygwin and it check for the GCC to be downloaded within .. then u will get everything once u install the cygwin .. exactly as if u r running ur own linux

There is no need to downlaod neither use CyGwin, WinAVR guys have already made very nice things for windows, that you can download the setup, and only double click :)

Have a nice day

how to start with avr atmel

metal said:
There is no need to downlaod neither use CyGwin, WinAVR guys have already made very nice things for windows, that you can download the setup, and only double click :)

Have a nice day

Is it a complete design environment ? .. Compiler/Debugger and so on ?

best avr microcontroler to start


Yes I have seen all necessary executables in the WinAVR folder, but I don't know if there is any thing missing.

get to start with avr

Ok .. you are speaking about this program but no one tell us about where to get it !

Didn't I, along with other helpful posters tell you where to get it in a previous post, along with a description on what it is? I also gave you a link to a website that describes all things avr and you come back to this thread saying stuff like this?

I suggest you read through this thread again, check all the links that were posted, read some guides on avrfreaks and avrbeginners then come back with your questions.
best avr to start with


I think you are definitly right, please ahmad, read the threads more thouroghly.

Regards :)

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