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How does a tank circuit work?

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Tank Circuit Work

How does a tank circuit ie., a combination of inductor and a capacitor works

Tank Circuit Work

the tank circuit is a filter that resonate at the frequency of thank and impedance of it is very high. at the other freqoency the impedance is very low and reject signal through the dround( or vcc).
tank circuit is a tunable circuit so that is very papular in the rf circuit for maximum gain or minium noise , ..


    Points: 2
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Re: Tank Circuit Work

tank circuit has two form,

one is series tank circuit, another is parallel tank circuit.

both two tank circuit's resonance frequency is 1/(2 * PI * (L * C) ^^ 1/2)

for the series tank circuit, when the driving signal's frequency is equal

to circuit's resonance frequency, the tank circuit's impedance is minimum.

for the parallel tank circuit, when the driving signal's frequency is equal

to circuit's resonance frequency, the tank circuit's impedance is maximum.

so tank circuit generally is used for selecting wanted frequency in narrow band

communication circuit.

best regards

crazzy said:
How does a tank circuit ie., a combination of inductor and a capacitor works


    Points: 2
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Tank Circuit Work

consider an ideal capacitor and inductor(no energy is lost) connected in parallel. when a dc source is momentarily placed across the combination,the capacitor is charged while the inductor stores no energy. when the DC SOURCE IS REMOVED, the energy stored in the capacitor transfers to the inductor (creating the positive half cycle of a sine wave). then after all the energy has been transferd to the inductor, the inductor now supplies its energy to the capacitor (the negative half cycle of a sine wave). since the components are ideal, the process goes on continuously. but practical components dissipate energy making the sine wave damped or decrease exponentially to 0.

hope i have explained it clearly

Re: Tank Circuit Work

well you can imagine of a paasive ,easy to build but not so high Q and a bit poor selectivity Bandpass Filter.

good luck

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