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Best books on circuit analysis, basic electronics, electronic devices etc.

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Newbie level 3
Jun 3, 2005
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Please help me by giving details about the best books and authors you know for circuit analysis,basic electronics,electronic devices,integrated circuits,op-amps,vlsi basics,cmos basics,fpga,asic design.

milliman halkias

found useful to me..........

-Art of Electronics by Horowitz and Hill

-microeletronics by Sedra and Smith

-engineering circuit analysis by William H. Hayt

-design warrior guide by Clive "Max" Maxfield

-Digital Integrated Circuits (2nd ed) by Rabaey, Chandrakasan and Nikolic

best book for vlsi design

microelectronics fifth edition sedra/smith

best book on vlsi

Integrated Circuits:

- Analysis and design of Analog Integrated Circuits from Gray (very good but not basic). (cmos and bipolar explained at the same time, useful to know the advantages of every technology).
You must read first:
- Razavi's book.
- Greene book.

Chapter 8 of CMOS Analog Circuit Design from Allen and Holberg, very good too.

If you have a specific subject that you are more interested it would be better to recomend a boook.

best book vlsi

You ask alot, should be many books.

But for overall information concerning the whole concept I think it is
worthwile to read "Embedded Systems (Desktop integration)"
from Oliver H. Bailey.

He covers very many different aspects of electronics.


best books for vlsi

I forgot to mention this site:

It has a list of very good articles about design of rf and IC design.

best book for vlsi-design

Design of analog CMOS Integrated Circuits - Behzad Razavi is one of the good books to start analog along with art of electronics, and microelectronics by sedra smith.

for basics of digital logic and design, you should check out Morris Mano. and as someone already told Rabaey is pretty good.

vlsi top books

i have a scanned version of P.Gray and C.Searle.
some of its chapters are:
7. Bipolar junction transistor
8. Dynamic models for bipolar transistor
9. MOS field-effect transistors
10.Junction field-effect transistors
11.Incremental modem for transistors
12.Determination of incremental parameters
13.Biasing of field-effect and Bipolar transistors
14.low frequency and high frequency response calculation
15.Multistage amplifiers

this book has 24 chapters.
it is an old book(1969) but is a refrence for many new texts.
the scanned version which i have, is about 53MB.
how can i send it for you?


top vlsi books

The Art of Electronics is probably one of the best book for electronics generally.

asic book


NO one has mentioned the famous book fo digital ciruits and design.


Added after 2 minutes:

forgot to mention.

for VLSI technology--S M Sze
digital cmos intgated ckts-kang and leblebici

also one book is on digital design by Wayner wolf

best site for ebooks for vlsi

some gud books in VLSI are
1) digital design by tocci.
2) CMOS basics in kang, neil weste
3) solid state physics : streetman
4) analog design : grey meyer
5) rf design : RF micro electronics Behzad razavi
5) VHDL : doughlas perry
6) verilog : palnitkar.
how ever if are intrested in only logic design read lots of stuff on net..


If you are intrested in understanding the practical industrial problems the general manuals provided by repective tools are good source of knowledge


sedra smith


chandrakasan digital integrated uploaded

Application Specific Integrated Circuits by M.J Smith...good book on introduction to ASIC

best books on vlsi

the art of layout is the best book for analog ic layout designer.


for Basic Electronics: Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory by Boylestad

basics of electronics sedra

u'll have to determine wearther u'll wok on discrete level or Vlsi level
for discrete level i suggest art of electronics

for vlsi, digital integrated circuits and design of analog CMOS devices by razavi can be very good

books on multistage amplifiers

Integrated Electronics By Milliman Halkias

electronic devices book by milliman and halkias

one of the best books in vlsi is
"Digital integrated ckt" by Jon M Rabaey

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