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How to use calculator in Cadence to plot wave ?

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calculator in canence???

anyone can teach me how to use calculator in cadence to plot wave, I always do not understand it,thank in advance.

Re: calculator in canence???

To plot wave very easy:
Click VT for transient, VF for AC or VS for DC voltages, then click net on schematic and then "plot" or "erplot" (ERase and PLOT) button.
For currents click terminal red squares instead of net and before that use IT, IF or IS buttons instead of VT, VF and VS.
Look at waveform windows.
Re: calculator in canence???

first click on wave button in calculator then select wave in the waveform. enter into stact by pressing enter button. select other wave. then perform any function from calculator. then press plot it will plot the desired result in waveform window. or you can evaluate buffer by checking evaluate buffer check box.

Re: calculator in canence???

just click plot
rpn and alt
you should change

calculator in canence???

If you want to obtain more simulation data, click browser and select the directory. You can get more data out from Result Browser. After you've selected the data in the browser, it will automatically appear in the calculator.

calculator in canence???

Do any1 have documentation for the calculator? I know that Cadence calculator can do lots of thing.

Re: calculator in canence???

Forget it, use ocean
there are simple examples in your cadence instalations directories. Ocean allow you to create scripts for preparing simulations, do so simulations and post-process simulations.

that is all

P.D.: I was working with hspice meas for more than 2 year, and i allways remember when I prepare may large meas file, an i forgot something that do not let meas work, and that means that i have waste my time, and the simulations should be done again. With ocean it does not happend becouse of the post-processing i have mentioned.

good luck

sorry for my english

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