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what is .mpb file in context FPGA

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Newbie level 3
Dec 8, 2021
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Dear Developers,

I have 0 experience in FPGA field and I would be grateful to you if anyone can inform me what is .mpb file in context of FPGA. Actually I saw these files in one FPGA project and I need to load these .mpb file FPGA using one exe file.

Unfortunately, Developer who has developed this project does not work with us anymore.

I am using "xc6slx16-2csg324" as target and can generate .bit file from our VHDL project in XILINK ISE14.7 tool. But I do not know how to convert .bit file into .mpb file and load it on FPGA.

Many thanks and please inform me if you need any other information from me.



Dear Developers,

I am using "xc6slx16-2csg324" as target and can generate .bit file from our VHDL project in XILINK ISE14.7 tool. But I do not know how to convert .bit file into .mpb file and load it on FPGA.



if on your FPGA PCB board you have header with JTAG pins, you can "program" your FPGA chip (Spartan6) with .bit file directly. You have to have "Xilinx Cable" JTAG Programer - for example such clone (I have identical and it works perfectly for me):{"sku_id":"12000020577700569"}

Best Regards


    Points: 2
    Helpful Answer Positive Rating
I am also not aware of any .mpb format for Xilinx FPGAs.
But since you can generate a .bit file, you can always program the FPGA!


    Points: 2
    Helpful Answer Positive Rating

if on your FPGA PCB board you have header with JTAG pins, you can "program" your FPGA chip (Spartan6) with .bit file directly. You have to have "Xilinx Cable" JTAG Programer - for example such clone (I have identical and it works perfectly for me):

Best Regards
@FlyingDutch thank you very much for your input today I will get circuit diagram of PCB on which we have FPGA...then I will try to connect FPGA using JTAG programmer.

I am also not aware of any .mpb format for Xilinx FPGAs.
But since you can generate a .bit file, you can always program the FPGA!
@dpaul thank you very much for your reply ...actually today I will get circuit diagram for PCB and will see whether there is any JTAG connector connected to FPGA. I think till now our production team is loading firmaware on FPGA through CYUSB3014 USB controller. But as mentioned I will surely try to program FPGa directly.
--- Updated ---

*.mpb is apparently no commonly known Xilinx file format. I guess it's a file format used by a third party tool.
*.mpb is apparently no commonly known Xilinx file format. I guess it's a file format used by a third party tool.
*.mpb is apparently no commonly known Xilinx file format. I guess it's a file format used by a third party tool.
@thank you very much for your reply .. I think till now our production team is loading firmaware on FPGA through CYUSB3014 USB controller. Please let me know if you have any information about using CYUSB3014 USB controller to program FPGA. today I will also try to program FPGA directly through JTAG(if it is provided on our device PCB.)

Obviously, you didn't yet review the respective information from Cypress. There's e.g. AN84868

Interestingly, even the download tool coming with AN84868 doesn't use .mpb files. Apparently its specific to a private tool in your company. Better ask your collegeagues.

Obviously, you didn't yet review the respective information from Cypress. There's e.g. AN84868

Interestingly, even the download tool coming with AN84868 doesn't use .mpb files. Apparently its specific to a private tool in your company. Better ask your collegeagues.
@FvM thank you very much!!...I will read this document and will check tool mentioned in this document. About .mpb I have already ask my collegeagues but unfortunately nobody knows about it.

@FvM thank you very much!!...I will read this document and will check tool mentioned in this document. About .mpb I have already ask my collegeagues but unfortunately nobody knows about it.
Unfortunately, Developer who has developed this project does not work with us anymore.
This is an example of a bad hand-over of the tasks when someone leaves a company!

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