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Help me with a power supply problem og low voltage AC

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Aug 23, 2004
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Power supply problem

Hello there. I'm planning to construct a low voltage AC power supply with outputs for 12v, 24v and 36v. I plan to run all these voltages down a 3 core cable as follows:

Core 1: Gnd
Core 2: 12v
Core 3: 36v

This should allow me 36v between cores 1 and 3, 24v between cores 2 and 3, and 12v between cores 1 and 2. It seems unlikely that I will be able to find a transformer with the tappings I need, so instead I will use two seperate transformers out of phase.

The problem is this: A 36v transformer of say, 1000VA, will have a lower current rating than the equivavalent 12v transformer. Let's say I only want to use 24v, at 1000VA I *should* be able to pull just over 41 Amps. Unfortunately my 36v transformer is limited to 27 Amps, although the 12v transformer is rated to a huge 83 Amps. Will the 24v output be limited by the maximum current of my 36VA transformer? Can I draw a full 41 Amps?

Hopefully the above made sense! Cheers!

Re: Power supply problem

For 24V configuration you will be running these two windings "in-series" and that means that the current of the lower rated winding, in your case 36V-winding with its ≈27A, will determine the 24V output current ..

Good luck and regards ..
Re: Power supply problem

Ok, thanks Ian. I suspected that was the case but thought I'd check. I also assume that means that my 24v transformer could be as small as 350VA or so, yet I'd still be able to draw 27A @ 24v?

Re: Power supply problem

I guess you have meant 12V transformer rated for 350VA .. haven't you?
and then you will have both, the 36V and 12V transformers rated for moretheless the same currents ..
Power supply problem

Sorry, my fault, that one was a typo. I might look into how much it will cost me to have a custom toroid wound...

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