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Read fail to Microcontroller

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Member level 3
Jul 16, 2016
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Dear All,

Have a nice Day

I have a microcontroller ( PIC18F14K50 ) it has a program which is working but it can't be read also not detected by the following hardware and software .
I have a PICkit2 hardware also working and using PICkit2 v2.61 software

I also have blank PIC18F14K50 ( Blank ) which I connected to above programmer and can be detected as well as read and write

Please advice to read above PIC

Thanks in advance

Apparently code protection is turned on. You are evidently trying to copy somebody else's code and they have stopped you.
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Apparently code protection is turned on. You are evidently trying to copy somebody else's code and they have stopped you.

You are correct I am trying to copy some one else code but not for the commercial purpose. If it is code protected can we able to upgrade new Version of firmware to the microcontroller , I already upgrade the new version of firmware to this chip but I can't read it. Lets assume if it is code protected but the chip should detected by the programmer. but it did not detect

Please advice

Thanks in advance

I don't quite understand. Are you saying you were able to upgrade the firmware? Or not?
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Programmer should detect mcu and refuse to read with readout protection error message. Otherwise something wrong with the communication.
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This is a USB AVR programmer it has new version of Firmware So I upgrade to it to with USB port and It was upgraded successfully but I can't read the chip using PICkit2 programmer

What??? First you say it's an AVR programmer, then you say you're using a PICKit. You say "It was upgraded successfully"; what is IT? The AVR programmer? The PIC18? Why are you using an AVR programmer on a PIC?
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Yes It is AVR prohrammer The programmer is used PIC18F14K50. Avr programmer made using PIC micro controller

Let me see if I've got this right.

1) You've got an AVR programmer which uses a PIC. (That sounds weird, but ok).
2) You want to steal the code from the PIC inside the AVR programmer, but it won't let you read the code (because code protection is turned on).

Is this correct?

Yes it is correct but Still I don't know code protection is On

As we aware this PIC has Code inside if the owner of code need to be improved the code then owner release the new code which is called firmware. This programmer also has new release firmware so it can be upgrade via USB port

Sorry, but I'm not going to help you steal somebody else's work.

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