Advanced Member level 1

The attenuator is built with ideal resistor as shown here:

The two input signal are f1=1GHz and f2=1.1GHz respectively, and the input power is -30dBm for both input signal.
Run QPSS, the result is that:

At 1G and 1.1G, the spectre are both -33dBm, that' correct. (Input is -30dBm, and attenuation is 3dBm, so it is -33dBm.)
For the modulation signal: 2*f1-f2=0.9G, and 2*f2-f1=1.2G, why the amplitudes of the two modulated signals are quite different? Thanks.

The two input signal are f1=1GHz and f2=1.1GHz respectively, and the input power is -30dBm for both input signal.

Run QPSS, the result is that:

At 1G and 1.1G, the spectre are both -33dBm, that' correct. (Input is -30dBm, and attenuation is 3dBm, so it is -33dBm.)
For the modulation signal: 2*f1-f2=0.9G, and 2*f2-f1=1.2G, why the amplitudes of the two modulated signals are quite different? Thanks.
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