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Help beginner in 8051 program.......

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Advanced Member level 2
Advanced Member level 2
Feb 15, 2005
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i need help in writing a C program for 8051, i am beginner for using this ucontroller so i need some basic knowledge (about array, pointer, hearder file, function, and so on), any recommend book(is available online can be download), web-page link to embedded C for 8051. Anyone have the reference book, can you going to upload the book to me......

Thank You.....

Search the EDABoard Ebooks Section, lots of book about 8051 and some books are in C.


    Points: 2
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glenjoy said:
Search the EDABoard Ebooks Section, lots of book about 8051 and some books are in C.


I already try this 2 books already:

but the part 1 Seminar 4 i already confuse so the part 2 how i going to continue. So i hope can have a book to be reference...

Can you show me the page so that i can direct search or download the books....

Thank You.....

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glenjoy said:
Try this:


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How can i download the book bellow??

1 Programming embedded systems in C 1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 What is an embedded system? 1
1.3 Which processor should you use? 2
1.4 Which programming language should you use? 7
1.5 Which operating system should you use? 9
1.6 How do you develop embedded software? 12

Previously I already show you the two web-page, the information is not go too so detail, so i need some book to help me to learning-up, i hope you can help me.....

Thank You..

Just click download or send to Email.


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glenjoy said:
Just click download or send to Email.


Can you explian clearly......., i need the book are listed the content, how to download....

You means this 2 books:


This 2 books i already download..

How to open this Embedded C.rar file...


Added after 14 minutes:

silvio said:


Do you have any more example, because i need to learn from basic like this example "h**p://". Because of this example not a complite note/book, so i hang(don't understand) at some part... Then it is difficult for me to understand it.... :(

The web-page that you show me is still ok.... but i need more basic and step by step to learning-up...

So, i hope i can get more information for you all........

Thank You...

You need winrar to open a rar file.


    Points: 2
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glenjoy said:
Just click download or send to Email.

How you creat the "Helped Me"???? Can you let me know...

The 8051 Family of Microcontrollers Richard H. Barnett, Prentice-Hall may be the books u need to understand 8051 well

sinbeloanthi said:
The 8051 Family of Microcontrollers Richard H. Barnett, Prentice-Hall may be the books u need to understand 8051 well


Where can i download the books, can you show me???
How you creat the "Helped Me"???? Can you let me know...

Thank You

check w* and w* why you need books :(

Hi help,

Try this one, too

**broken link removed**
**broken link removed**

Hope that among all docs described in this post (maybe more will come) you can get a small overview of C for 8051. I know that learning curve could take more or less from your spare time.
The best advice I can give you is to start with pure C , pure 8051 assembler and then finnaly mix them.
However, if are some points you don't get it from both of them, don't hesitate to ask. That's the purpose of this forum. I'm confident that you'll receive a lot of help from the members, even for question that looks stupid. Just say I'm newbie and you'll be helped.


silvio said:
Hi help,

Try this one, too


Hope that among all docs described in this post (maybe more will come) you can get a small overview of C for 8051. I know that learning curve could take more or less from your spare time.
The best advice I can give you is to start with pure C , pure 8051 assembler and then finnaly mix them.
However, if are some points you don't get it from both of them, don't hesitate to ask. That's the purpose of this forum. I'm confident that you'll receive a lot of help from the members, even for question that looks stupid. Just say I'm newbie and you'll be helped.


Hi silvio,

Thanks for you subjestion and your advice i will try it, give me some time, i will go too all the information, may i have your any direct contect way (yahoo mail, messenger, hotmail) then i can ask you question directly.....

Thank You.....

Hi Help,

YES it's no problem to give you my email.
But because my explanations could be confusing or I'll not be able to answer in "real" time,, a much better idea it's to post your questions in forum. If you're not satisfied with an answer, come back and maybe another member will succed to clarify your doubts. This way you'll help yourself and others members which are like you, too. Two rabbits, one shot.

This book will not help you just right now, but it's usefull for reference, maybe at latter date, when you'll get enough knowledges.

It's scanned version of
C and the 8051, Vol.I: Hardware, Modular Programming & Multitasking (2nd Edition) by Thomas W. Schultz
And you can get it from here:


    Points: 2
    Helpful Answer Positive Rating
silvio said:
Hi Help,

YES it's no problem to give you my email.
But because my explanations could be confusing or I'll not be able to answer in "real" time,, a much better idea it's to post your questions in forum. If you're not satisfied with an answer, come back and maybe another member will succed to clarify your doubts. This way you'll help yourself and others members which are like you, too. Two rabbits, one shot.

This book will not help you just right now, but it's usefull for reference, maybe at latter date, when you'll get enough knowledges.

It's scanned version of
C and the 8051, Vol.I: Hardware, Modular Programming & Multitasking (2nd Edition) by Thomas W. Schultz
And you can get it from here:


Cannot open the file...., can you send the file to me which can open 1 .......

Thank you..

I think that someone've posted some books are good, and you can learn with them. Good luck!

elchula said:
I think that someone've posted some books are good, and you can learn with them. Good luck!


Can you show me the web-page so that i can download and read it....

Thank you....

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