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Do I need a max232 IC to connect a GPS module with my pc?

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Do i need max232 ic . . ??

How do i connect GPS module with my pc . . Do i need a max232 ic . . Can anyone tell what a max232 can do . . I have a USB to RS232 converter cable , with that can i connect my GPS module with pc . . OHH god! i guess i have lot of questions :oops: :-( . . MY basic question is do i need a max232 ic as there is a max3232 ic inbuilt on my GPS module . . Thanks in advance guys . .

Re: Do i need max232 ic . . ??

How do i connect GPS module with my pc . . Do i need a max232 ic . . Can anyone tell what a max232 can do . . I have a USB to RS232 converter cable , with that can i connect my GPS module with pc . . OHH god! i guess i have lot of questions :oops: :-( . . MY basic question is do i need a max232 ic as there is a max3232 ic inbuilt on my GPS module . . Thanks in advance guys . .

Please mension the model number of your module or attach a pic of your GPS module

If there is a max232, you may need a converter circuit. And please where you need to interface is it a microcontroller or to PC.

Re: Do i need max232 ic . . ??

How do i connect GPS module with my pc . . i need a max232 ic as there is a max3232 ic inbuilt on my GPS module . . [/B] Thanks in advance guys . .
No you don't need an rs232 level shifter like the max232. The required functionality is included in the max3232 of your gsm module.

Yes you can use the USB-RS232 converter to enable your PC to communicate with rs232 port of GSM module.

You have to connect at least 3 cables (RX, TX, GND). Depending on GSM module labeling, RX,TX may beed to be swapped to equivalent PC lines.
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Re: Do i need max232 ic . . ??


The answer is simple: Read the modem manual. There are different modems with different interfaces.
* If your FSM modem interface is RS232, then you need to communicate with RS232 levels
* if your modem interface is 5V level, then use 5V levels
* if your modem interface is 3.3V level, then use 3.3V levels


Re: Do i need max232 ic . . ??

Please mension the model number of your module or attach a pic of your GPS module

If there is a max232, you may need a converter circuit. And please where you need to interface is it a microcontroller or to PC.

I am having GPS module SKG13 . . There is max3232 inbuilt in GPS module . . Actually i have to interface with both pic16f877a microcontroller and pc . .:-|

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No you don't need an rs232 level shifter like the max232. The required functionality is included in the max3232 of your gsm module.

Oh okay then i wont need a max232 ic . . ! :thumbsup:

- - - Updated - - -


The answer is simple: Read the modem manual. There are different modems with different interfaces.
* If your FSM modem interface is RS232, then you need to communicate with RS232 levels
* if your modem interface is 5V level, then use 5V levels
* if your modem interface is 3.3V level, then use 3.3V levels


What if it has all the three(but 12v instead of 3.3v) and am confused with which to choose . . The only thing is i have 5v supply now . .

Re: Do i need max232 ic . . ??


Is reading a datasheet really that difficult?
* open datasheet
* search for "interface"
--> "UART Ports: The module supports one full duplex
serial channels UART. the serial connections are at
2.85V LVTTL logic levels, if need different voltage
levels, use appropriate level shifters."

What else do you need?

"RS232" is never mentioned in the datasheet.


Re: Do i need max232 ic . . ??

"RS232" is never mentioned in the datasheet.
The module is most probably this one:
**broken link removed**

as we see, there are two communication ports, one of rs232 type thru maxXXX (D9 connector) and one UART port.
Spark Fun doesn't seem to be so accurate or lush in their documentation...

For PC communication:
The RS232 port should be used for PC communication without any added MAX IC . This is the answer to the original question (message #1).

For PIC communication:
a) a MAX232 IC must be used if D9 port is selected otherwise malfunction will most probably happen
b) TTL connection could be used with an IC level shifter or a discreet-component builded one with 2 transistors, a couple of resistors and a diode.

Re: Do i need max232 ic . . ??

The module is most probably this one:
**broken link removed**

as we see, there are two communication ports, one of rs232 type thru maxXXX (D9 connector) and one UART port.
Spark Fun doesn't seem to be so accurate or lush in their documentation...

For PC communication:
The RS232 port should be used for PC communication without any added MAX IC . This is the answer to the original question (message #1).

For PIC communication:
a) a MAX232 IC must be used if D9 port is selected otherwise malfunction will most probably happen
b) TTL connection could be used with an IC level shifter or a discreet-component builded one with 2 transistors, a couple of resistors and a diode.

Yes dis is the model precisely . . Il ask my question straightway . . i want make conection to both my pic microcontroller and pc(for checking the hyperterminal) at a time . . For pc i will use rs232 to usb converter cable and for microcontroller if i should obviously go for ttl (how can i go for d9 port as i already connected a d9 port with pc) . . if i connect the tx of gps to rx of microcontroller and viceversa without max232 ic and provide the power supply will it work . . ??

Re: Do i need max232 ic . . ??

if i connect the tx of gps to rx of microcontroller and viceversa without max232 ic and provide the power supply will it work . . ??

Yes, It should because the datasheet of your part says this.

"The module supports one full duplex serial channels UART. the serial connections are at 2.85V LVTTL logic levels"

Re: Do i need max232 ic . . ??

Yes dis is the model precisely . . Il ask my question straightway . . i want make conection to both my pic microcontroller and pc(for checking the hyperterminal) at a time . . For pc i will use rs232 to usb converter cable and for microcontroller if i should obviously go for ttl (how can i go for d9 port as i already connected a d9 port with pc) . . if i connect the tx of gps to rx of microcontroller and viceversa without max232 ic and provide the power supply will it work . . ??

Let me clear this out.
You can connect either the PC (directly to D9) or PIC (thru UART). You cannot connect both at the same time! It is one and the same port (UART and D9) but with different voltage levels.

However, you can connect both (rx,tx) lines of UART to PIC and at the same time you can use only the RX line of your PC to monitor the TX signal on D9 port.
TX line of the PC should not be connected or it may intervene with the PIC equivalent line and even produce malfunction.

I recommend that a resistor of 100Ohm be introduced between the PC.RX line and D9.TX line as an extra safety measure.

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