Advanced Member level 4

I have a low-drop voltage 3.3 regulator that for Vin=4 to 4.3 it has low power dissipation((4-3.3)*I)). In addition I have a 5volt source (7805 regulator) before my 3.3 regulator. How can I downgrade 5volt to 4volt with the lowest power dissipation((5-4)*I) (I is about 1A)). I thought I can use a two series diode (.7 silicon +.3 germanium ) but it power dissipation is 1w for (1Vot*1A) that is too high.
I have a low-drop voltage 3.3 regulator that for Vin=4 to 4.3 it has low power dissipation((4-3.3)*I)). In addition I have a 5volt source (7805 regulator) before my 3.3 regulator. How can I downgrade 5volt to 4volt with the lowest power dissipation((5-4)*I) (I is about 1A)). I thought I can use a two series diode (.7 silicon +.3 germanium ) but it power dissipation is 1w for (1Vot*1A) that is too high.