Junior Member level 2

Dear All,
I have seen some papers on power amplifier design. They are biasing the transistor near their peak ft and saying that transistor is biased near class A operation region. I did not understand conceptually that if we bias the transistor near their peak ft then, we are in class A region. How is the the different biasing classes related to ft ? what if we want to design class B then how to decide on biasing point vs ft.
The title of papers are
1) A 110–134-GHz SiGe Amplifier With Peak Output Power of 100–120 mW.
2)A Wideband High-Efficiency 79–97 GHz SiGe Linear Power Amplifier with > 90 mW Output.
Any explanation is most welcome.
I have seen some papers on power amplifier design. They are biasing the transistor near their peak ft and saying that transistor is biased near class A operation region. I did not understand conceptually that if we bias the transistor near their peak ft then, we are in class A region. How is the the different biasing classes related to ft ? what if we want to design class B then how to decide on biasing point vs ft.
The title of papers are
1) A 110–134-GHz SiGe Amplifier With Peak Output Power of 100–120 mW.
2)A Wideband High-Efficiency 79–97 GHz SiGe Linear Power Amplifier with > 90 mW Output.
Any explanation is most welcome.