Junior Member level 2

i am working on microstrip antenna array for first time...i have problem with designing corporate feed network for 4-patch array...
this problem is how to calculate the width w and length L of each section (z0=50 ohms) and for (z0=70.7 and 100 ohms) also the quarter wave transform.
for example in this figure antenna operate at 10 Ghz
how these dimensions are calculated as seen in this figure

i am working on microstrip antenna array for first time...i have problem with designing corporate feed network for 4-patch array...
this problem is how to calculate the width w and length L of each section (z0=50 ohms) and for (z0=70.7 and 100 ohms) also the quarter wave transform.
for example in this figure antenna operate at 10 Ghz
how these dimensions are calculated as seen in this figure