Newbie level 1
i'm a student and i have small question, i have simulation that i need to change the destination for the creating "vsim.wlf" once i run the following "do" file, so it will be created on f drive in test folder.
vlog -work work sim_benchmark.v
vsim -novopt work.sim_benchmark
set t0 [clock seconds]
log -r /*
run 4000us
set t1 [clock seconds]
set delta_t [expr $t1 - $t0]
echo "elapced time : $delta_t"
i'm a student and i have small question, i have simulation that i need to change the destination for the creating "vsim.wlf" once i run the following "do" file, so it will be created on f drive in test folder.
vlog -work work sim_benchmark.v
vsim -novopt work.sim_benchmark
set t0 [clock seconds]
log -r /*
run 4000us
set t1 [clock seconds]
set delta_t [expr $t1 - $t0]
echo "elapced time : $delta_t"