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How to address the max6953 from a pic16f84A?

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Newbie level 3
Newbie level 3
Feb 24, 2005
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Hello boys,

Does anyone used the max6953 to drive 4 5x7 led matrix displays? I would be very grateful for some sample code to address the max6953 from a pic(16f84A). I have difficulties understanding the protocol from the datasheets.


max6953 con pic

Instead of waiting for a code try to use the following application note from Maxim-IC: **broken link removed** .
What you really need is some I2C subroutines which are common for all I2C devices: I2C receive code and I2C transmit code. .
Do you use assembly or C ?
samples for max6953 for proteus

I have made display with MAX6952, but i have problem draving its SPI channell. If i connect more than 3 chips i can not get clear signals on SPI ( i suppose MAX6952 has bih capacitance of these pins). And now i think that i have to use repeater after 2 chips, but i'm not sure that problem lies here. If anyone has a suggestion please post it here.
I have noticed that MAX6952 has VIlo<0.4 and this is voltage is hard to acheive in high speed communications. I think that here lies the problem, but i need solution, since now i'm driving SPI with colock of only 288kHz, and MAX can be driven with up to 26MHz! Even with this low clock speed i can not connect more than 3 chips!

max6953 led matrix

well, can led block be drived using onlu PIC ? i mean no driver only algorithm ? like the graphical lcd s do ?


well, can led block be drived using onlu PIC ? i mean no driver only algorithm ? like the graphical lcd s do ?
Yes. Content of displayed character is send using two bytes to MAX6952, first is Address and than ASCII character number.
MAX6952 is complete solution (character generator, drvier, intesity modulator...)

led driver proteus

ya i have made such a circuit but using MAX6952 and PIC16F877 in proteus,
look at the circuit and code,hope it will be useful for u,

pic16f repeater

ali_raza117 said:
ya i have made such a circuit but using MAX6952 and PIC16F877 in proteus,
look at the circuit and code,hope it will be useful for u,

ineed max6952 proteus dll and library file.
best regards.


max6953 i2c code


Haver you made some simulation with MAX6953 in the PROTEUS?, I have tried to do it but it does not work, I think that the library of this component has error, I have implemented this circuit in ProtoBard and works fine.

Can you Help me?

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