Advanced Member level 2

Assume a device can be represented by the transmission line network.
We measure with a network analyzer calibrated to 50 ohm reference impedance.
-------------------(line length = 15mm, Zo=30ohms)---------(load = ZL = ?)
0.4(154 degrees) @ f=3GHz
(S11 looking into this network)
What is the complex load impedance at 3GHz if device under test consists of 15mm section of microstrip transmission line whose characteristic impedance and effective dielectric constant are 30ohms and 6.7 respectively, at frequency of interest.
A) assume microstrip is lossless
B) then assume loss factor 1dB/cm at 3GHz
Answers to this problem welcome !
We measure with a network analyzer calibrated to 50 ohm reference impedance.
-------------------(line length = 15mm, Zo=30ohms)---------(load = ZL = ?)
0.4(154 degrees) @ f=3GHz
(S11 looking into this network)
What is the complex load impedance at 3GHz if device under test consists of 15mm section of microstrip transmission line whose characteristic impedance and effective dielectric constant are 30ohms and 6.7 respectively, at frequency of interest.
A) assume microstrip is lossless
B) then assume loss factor 1dB/cm at 3GHz
Answers to this problem welcome !