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Gate Driver Simulation

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Feb 22, 2005
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gate driver pspice

Hi All,

I'm New in this forum and I really need help from the experts here. I tred to simulate gate driver operation using orcad spice. I've downloaded the gate driver from I only want to test the gate driver itself (without any mosfet attached to it).

My question is , why the output of the gate driver (HO) is very low. My input (HIN)is 5V. I supposed the gate driver will boost the voltage up to drive a power mosfet but why my output is only 45.98mV ? Attached pls find my circuit diagram. Could someoen help me ? What's wrong with my circuit ?


mosfet gate driver spice model

Maybe it is Vs pin problem.
In normal application it is connected to the Source of H-MOSFET ..


    Points: 2
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irf drver simulation

According to the datasheet, Vs is the High side floating supply. Yup, Vs is connected to the source of the Mosfet but, how if I want to try simulate the gate driver only ? wht should I do with the Vs pin. I've tried connect the pin to load resistor - no different and I've tried connect the pin to supply (Vb + 0.3) but I got the convergence problem.


gate driver spice

Please !, I dont know what is wrong with my circuit and I cant understand the function of the gate driver.

Here, I test with high side gate driver and I attached power mosfet to the gate driver output. but still the output of the gate driver (HO) is very very low. I dont know why ?

Please refer to the schematics.

mosfet driver spice

The only wrong thing here is the input voltage (3.3V).
According to data sheet it is:
VIH input voltage - logic “1” (IR2117) min 9.5
VIL Input voltage - logic “0” (IR2117) max 6.0..

ir2117 boost


I'm sorry, maybe I dont really understand. Do you mean the input must 9.5V (max) and 6.0V Min ? but the output from microcontroller for example is only 3.3V (max) right for logic `1' ?

.. and I think the purpose of gate driver is to drive a power mosfet since the output from microcontroller is very low ~ 3.3V or 5.0V and this voltage cant drive the power mosfet because power mosfet need at least twice the Vth value for the Vgs.

I'm confuse now.

gate driver, pspice

Look in the data sheet of the IR2117.
According to this document at the input the minimum voltage to be accepted as H-level is 9.5V. Anything up to 6V will be treated as L-level ..
Try to increase the input voltage from 3.3V to higher than 9.5V ..


    Points: 2
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pspice gate driver

Actually, I've tried to use 10V as the Vin , but I got convergence problem from the spice simulator. so maybe I have to change some component value like capacitor or inductor. Is it right ?

I'll try again and will inform you later.

thanks for your help.

lm5106 gate driver spice model

haa, I'm happy now, thanks all for your help.

Now I can simulate the gate driver. I used IR2106 since this device input is 2.9 Min for VIH and 0.8 Max for VIN.

Thanks to IanP for highlighting the mistake in the Vin voltage and for the remark on Vs pin.

Now it seems work, when my Vin is 2.9V and above, the transistor is switched ON and whenever below the this voltage, the transistor is switched off.

I have one question.

Why when I simulate for a longer time (for example 1ms) I got Convergence problem. It will not happen if I simulate for about 1us.

Can anybody explain this ?

gate driver in pspice

that is a classic problem with pspice! it is what makes the software so much headache. play with the simulation settings of tolerance accuracy etc. when convergence error occurs try to determine if it was current or voltage error then decrease the accuracy, or increase accuracy in simulation settings. it gets so anoying, i wish there as a button "fix convergence error" or something!

maybe in version 11.0 ?



    Points: 2
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ir2117 orcad

yea, I've tried to change and play around with the settings and its true that this convergence problem give me a headache. however I still can solve the convergence problem.

If I'm not mistake this convergence problem is so popular with Pspice but not that bad in other spice simulator.

anyway, if this problem has nothing to do to the design or final product, then it is okay with me. I hope it is.


gate driver test

a trick i use to help with convergence problems is to put 0.001 ohm resistors everywhere, especially in series with diodes.

also, select GMIN option in the simulation window.


ir2117 3.3v

i have a few questions i want ro try the IR2117 but i cant do the model fro PsPice if anyone knows how to do it please show me how, i download the IR2117 Model From IR web page but Orcad 9.2 say that it dont have a template when i try to simulete. pleass help

shma103 said:
Hi All,

I'm New in this forum and I really need help from the experts here. I tred to simulate gate driver operation using orcad spice. I've downloaded the gate driver from I only want to test the gate driver itself (without any mosfet attached to it).

My question is , why the output of the gate driver (HO) is very low. My input (HIN)is 5V. I supposed the gate driver will boost the voltage up to drive a power mosfet but why my output is only 45.98mV ? Attached pls find my circuit diagram. Could someoen help me ? What's wrong with my circuit ?


mosfet drive orcad

pillintine said:
i have a few questions i want ro try the IR2117 but i cant do the model fro PsPice if anyone knows how to do it please show me how, i download the IR2117 Model From IR web page but Orcad 9.2 say that it dont have a template when i try to simulete. pleass help

shma103 said:
Hi All,

I'm New in this forum and I really need help from the experts here. I tred to simulate gate driver operation using orcad spice. I've downloaded the gate driver from I only want to test the gate driver itself (without any mosfet attached to it).

My question is , why the output of the gate driver (HO) is very low. My input (HIN)is 5V. I supposed the gate driver will boost the voltage up to drive a power mosfet but why my output is only 45.98mV ? Attached pls find my circuit diagram. Could someoen help me ? What's wrong with my circuit ?


Hi everybody,

I read the above posts and proceeded to download the SPICE models that irf was offering on it's site. Butt firstly the zip file contains files with .spi extension and secondly i couldn't find any gate driver IC models in the zip file.

Can somebody please tell me how to convert from .spi to .lib format??


ir2117 examples

just rename the file from .spi to .lib

seriously, that's all you do. then create the OLB from standard part creation method.


gating circuits of mosfet by orcad simulation

Set an initial condition for the bootstrap capacitor.

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