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How Navigation work in Embedded

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Jul 6, 2010
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How to code what is algo of Navigation work in Embedded

I have seen some pre-installed sample codes in QT new version for navigation. That seemed interesting but i haven't spent much time on it.
You can look into that. With Qt you can put up the GUI part in something like starers RPi and can have GSM module for locations.

Google it.!!
many of the world applications are made on QT.
Nokia symbian was based on QT. Google earth is made in Qt.
lot of other software you use are in QT

i got this Qt (/ˈkjuːt/ "cute",[8][9][10]) is a cross-platform application framework that is widely used for developing application software that can be run on various software and hardware platforms with little or no change in the underlying codebase, while still being a native application with the capabilities and speed thereof.

The core component of navigation involves
1. Determining your current location - This can be done using a GPS module - would give you your current position in terms of latitude and longitudes.
2. Determining your orientation - Where you are currently pointing at - You could say something like "How many degress from the North". This can be done using a magnetometer.

With these info, you can calculate a 'path' to your destination location.

QT may be able to help you with creating the application but not the interfacing of GPS/Magnetometer.

Hope that helps.

1. Determining your current location - This can be done using a GPS module - would give you your current position in terms of latitude and longitudes.

How does GPS locate is there any sim card attached to it?

You might want to read up a bit on GPS and how it would determine current location from the link below

**broken link removed**

Every mobile device does have a GPS chip that provides the latitude/longitude. GPS and usage of sim cards have different purposes.

Here is a GPS chip that one can use to play around with -
If you want to make navigation system . You should not get stuck to how GPS sensor works. There are GPS module available in market you can get in ebay. Do serial communication to get your longitude and latitude and use this values to locate your position on map. Being embedded engineer you cannot go into physics of everything. Until there is something troubling you in design.

Actualy i was understanding how the chip work with maths calculation.

You have completely changed you aim initially you were building navigation system now you are into making chips. That is some VLSI technology and may be some physics.
Embedded engineer always work over work previously done by other. If you are embedded engineer your work starts from how to read data from GSM sensor and what you do with data.

Embedded engineer always work over work previously done by other. If you are embedded engineer your work starts from how to read data from GSM sensor and what you do with data.

Ok, what electrical and Electronic engineers do?

Ok, what electrical and Electronic engineers do?

Unless I'm thinking of someone else, I gather from one of your previous posts in the job section that you've already graduated with a B Tech from an IIT and have been unemployed? I would seriously hope that by the time one graduates with an engineering degree that they would sort of have an idea what someone in their chosen field does. What we do is design electronic or electrical products and systems for use in commercial, industrial, and military applications. There are many specialized areas of this field that allow for a more detailed description of what one does.

I get the impression that you might have graduated from one of those for profit private schools that have appeared over the years in India, that are in education to make money not to teach engineering (a very sad reality). I'm sorry to say this, but edaboard isn't a substitute for an accredited engineering degree. You may have to start over from scratch, with the various online degree/training programs that exist to help students that are in exactly the same situation as you.


I have seen some graduate people not from IIT they have done Phd and designing product you can see this

you can see the designing industrial level customer all over the world.

This thread is going somewhere else but ads-ee is right. But institute is just not to be blamed ..
Anyway just to answer your question embedded control electrical stuffs.
from creating a sinewave inverter . controlling motor . calculation of electrical parameter and acting upon that. control systems
It is something that must very obviously come to ur mind.
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