Newbie level 3
Hello, I am doing some experiments on FPGA Spartan 6.
The experiment is, - Based on the input signal (named "trigger_to_tx"), uart has to transmit the string "Hello" to PC and one LED has to glow (named "tx_done) after the transmission. I have written the Verilog code for this experiment and attached below. For this code how to add input trigger signal and I am unable to see transmission completion in LED.
The experiment is, - Based on the input signal (named "trigger_to_tx"), uart has to transmit the string "Hello" to PC and one LED has to glow (named "tx_done) after the transmission. I have written the Verilog code for this experiment and attached below. For this code how to add input trigger signal and I am unable to see transmission completion in LED.
module Top_module(
input wire clk, // System clock
input wire rst,
input wire trigger_tx,
output wire tx,
output [39:0]string_to_tx,
output tx_done
/// Data to Transmit ///
assign string_to_tx="Hello";
uart_tx_fsm fsm0(.clk(clk),
assign tx_done=(tx_complete)? 1:0;
module uart_tx_fsm(
input wire clk, //-- System clock
input wire rst, //-- Reset (active low)
output wire tx, //-- Serial data output
input [39:0]string_to_tx,
output tx_complete
//Connecting wires
wire ready;
reg start = 0;
reg [7:0] tx_data;
reg tx_done;
parameter BAUDRATE = 1041;
uart_tx TX0 (
// Multiplexer with the 8-character string to transmit
always @*
case (char_count)
3'd0: tx_data <= string_to_tx[39:32];
3'd1: tx_data <= string_to_tx[31:24];
3'd2: tx_data <= string_to_tx[23:16];
3'd3: tx_data <= string_to_tx[15:8];
3'd4: tx_data <= string_to_tx[7:0];
3'd5: tx_data <= 8'hd; // Enter
default: tx_data <= 8'h20; //Space
// Characters counter
// It only counts when the cena control signal is enabled
reg [2:0] char_count;
reg cena; // Counter enable
always @(posedge clk)
if (rst)
char_count = 0;
else if (cena)
char_count = char_count + 1;
localparam INI = 0;
localparam TXCAR = 1;
localparam NEXTCAR = 2;
localparam STOP = 3;
// fsm state
reg [1:0] state;
reg [1:0] next_state;
// Transition between states
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (rst)
state <= INI;
state <= next_state;
// Control signal generation and next states
always @(*)
next_state = state;
start = 0;
cena = 0;
case (state)
// Initial state. Start the trasmission
INI: begin
start = 1;
next_state = TXCAR;
// Wait until one car is transmitted
TXCAR: begin
if (ready)
next_state = NEXTCAR;
// Increment the character counter
// Finish when it is the last character
NEXTCAR: begin
cena = 1;
if (char_count == 3'd5)
next_state = STOP;
next_state = INI;
assign tx_complete= (char_count==3'd5)? 1:0;
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