Member level 2

If 2 tones produce intermodulation(IMD)
fa, fb their bandwidth are : BWa and BWb
IMD2: fa +- fb
IMD3 : 2fa+-fb or 2fb+-fa
Then, the bandwidth of IMD2 is BWa + BWb
the bandwidth of IMD3 is (2BWa + BWb) or (2BWb + BWa)
Thus, higher order of IMD, wider its bandwidth
I know the conclusion is from convolution of Fourier transform.
Nevertheless, I don’t know the detailed proof.
Would you please tell me how can I know the detailed proof ?
Thanks a lot~!
If 2 tones produce intermodulation(IMD)
fa, fb their bandwidth are : BWa and BWb
IMD2: fa +- fb
IMD3 : 2fa+-fb or 2fb+-fa
Then, the bandwidth of IMD2 is BWa + BWb
the bandwidth of IMD3 is (2BWa + BWb) or (2BWb + BWa)
Thus, higher order of IMD, wider its bandwidth
I know the conclusion is from convolution of Fourier transform.
Nevertheless, I don’t know the detailed proof.
Would you please tell me how can I know the detailed proof ?
Thanks a lot~!