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[SOLVED] how to connect adc in matlab simulink

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Nov 19, 2014
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hello everyone, how to connect adc block in the matlab simulink ??? , i want to connect sine wave genrator to adc and then fft and scope, im a beginner at matlab simulink , kindly help me, btw connecting sine wave generator to adc is not happening ,how to do that???

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the thing is im using a c28x3x adc, where it is only connecting to scope,((is that the correct adc only i shud go for??)) im nt able to give an sine wave input to adc, which adc shud i use so as give an input as sinewave and i shud get an output signal connected to fft ???

Can you specify the exact application?
You are not able to give sine wave to ADC means how you are feeding the input? Circuit please..
my exact application is to test the adc converter in the matlab simulink, the adc converter which im using(c28x3x) is only having a single output pin, how to give an input signal to it (i.e sine wave generator)?
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for the c28x3x adc converter, if you feed the input with signal generator, we are not able to connect it. i mean we are not able to connect it with adc converter as told in the docx in the above link.?

thanx for the link,any idea where i can get an example to test the adc converter in the matlab simulink???

If your problem was got solved means, kindly close this thread by menitoning what you did to solve it. So that it will be useful for the peoples who are coming with the same issue.

the answer is to take an "idealized adc filter" which is available at in simulink library rather than c28x3x adc.
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