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Flyback converter design

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Arpit Gupta

Junior Member level 2
Junior Member level 2
Jun 10, 2015
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I have designed and implemented the flyback transformer using the EE30 FERRITE CORE and the switching frequency is 20kHz, no switcher IC has been used and i am just driving the mosfet irf630 at 20kHz using gate driving IC ir2110 and gaing signals from PIC16F616. The converter was designed to give output voltage of 25V at input of 20V. But the output is only of 5v and the input current at the primary is pretty high about 0.25 amps at input voltage of 25V.

as of now the transformer has no air gap introduced in the design which i believe is the problem for core saturation?

is the core saturation the only problem or is there any other fault in it??

You need the gap
put 0.3mm on that core, center and edges (80g paper is 0.05mm)
The flyback is offline converter, that mean the output winding is making power, when the input is not working
It is really hard to make the controller to stabilize output voltage, just need a lot of skills
Upload some schematic handmade scratch, to work on it.

I have designed and implemented the flyback transformer using the EE30 FERRITE CORE and the switching frequency is 20kHz, no switcher IC has been used and i am just driving the mosfet irf630 at 20kHz using gate driving IC ir2110 and gaing signals from PIC16F616. The converter was designed to give output voltage of 25V at input of 20V. But the output is only of 5v and the input current at the primary is pretty high about 0.25 amps at input voltage of 25V.

Have you implemented any feedback network to set/stabilize the output voltage? If you manually change the PWM duty cycle, does the output voltage change, too?

You didn't say anything about the load (and the output current) neither. By the way, does the MOSFET driver have a separate power supply or have you designed a secondary winding for that?

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