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matrix(5x5) with vhdl

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Newbie level 4
Newbie level 4
Jun 18, 2015
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hi i want define matrix 5x5 and (it must: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0))
plz help me. i need it for project in my university

So, you want to define a matrix of 5x5 elements with every element being 8 bits long ?

Try this:
subtype element is std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
type memory_cube is array(integer range 0 to 4, integer range 0 to 4) of element;

It should compile - but I'm not sure whether it would synthesize...
hi i want define matrix 5x5 and (it must: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0))
plz help me. i need it for project in my university

type mat1 is array (0 to 4) of std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
type mat is array (0 to 4) of mat1;
signal matrix_5x5  : mat;
Your 5x5 matrix is signal matrix_5x5 where each element is std_logic_vector(7 downto 0).

i use ISE for vhdl code,
type matrix5x5_8 is array(4 downto 0,4 downto 0) of std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);

thanks very much, i must use uart(its for serial input) to receive data, can u help me for it.

i use ISE for vhdl code,
type matrix5x5_8 is array(4 downto 0,4 downto 0) of std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);

thanks very much, i must use uart(its for serial input) to receive data, can u help me for it.

There are many exmaples of uart out there
Just search for "uart vhdl" in your favourite search engine.

my project is:
pc send elements of matrix 5x5 then fpga(VHDL code) must compute sum of element of this matrix(sum of 25 element)

tnx, do u know how can access to each element? for example i assign a signal to certain element?

Why not go and code something, and we will help with any problems.
Hint: if all you are doing is summing a 5x5 matrix, you probably dont want a 5x5 matrix in VHDL (because each element arrives serially, you can sum them in the time domain).

u mean i define a matrix 1D(liner)? with 25 element?
tnx, if i want sum of two matrix rival of element what do i do?

No, you dont need a matrix at all. You just have a single value that adds the new values to the previous sum as they arrive.

ok, i think i understand,
and if i receive element of two matrix,how can i stored and sum of element with each others?

send the data as a raster scan. I assume your input from pc through UART should be an image. So send the pixel data from top left to bottom right through UART port in a raster fashion i.e first pixel and then second pixel serially. Your receiver system on the fpga side should also be the same.

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