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need help in my project rf data transmissin using mco

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Newbie level 6
Newbie level 6
Oct 26, 2014
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I am new here
I m working on project srcrete rf transmissin
For my college project

But unfortunetly i dont know anything
I just trying to learn through internet

I m using At89s52 microcontroller
With keyboard/keyped
Rf modules
Ht12E and HT12D
Lcd 16*2
But i dont know how to intreface them to microcontroller
Actually i dont know microcontroller programming

And one more problem that keyboard
Rf modules are not available in PROTEUS SOFTWARE


Normal keypad is in Proteus. You can start by learning how to interface keypad to microcontroller and after you are done, you can begin to talk about the RF section.
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thanx for reply
i have done interfacing of keyped and lcd

but i am unble to start interfacing encoder/decoder or rf modules
what i do?

Interfacing HT12D/E to MCU is very easy. You only have to interface the 4 data lines to MCU and also use 4 pull down resistors on those lines. For address lines of HT12D/E use a DIP switch. With dip switch you can set 256 different addresses to the RF pair. The address of RF Tx and RF Rx should match. You don't get HT12D/E in Proteus. So build the hardware and do the test.
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how i progrmmed the pins

HT12E has 4 pins for data. Connect them to say PORTB of a PIC microcontroller like PIC18F458. Now you can assign values like 0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, etc... to make the corresponding data pins of HT12E high. The DOUT line of HT12E should be connected to RF Tx.
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One more thing

Can i use serial data transmission
Mco to mco
And hw can i do this for showing data transmission for my project on proteus

You mean serial data transmission between 2 MCUs ? Then there will be no encoder.

RF module can be connected to UART lines of MCU and used but it is more reliable to use encoder/decoder with RF modules.
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i mean that can i show serial data transmission b/w 2 mco(At89S52)
for showing data transmissin in my projects on proteus
because i can't show rf data xmission on proteus

wiil u provide me code for that plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Try attached Proteus 8.1 template for RF Communication. See if it works.


  • RF Comm.rar
    6.7 KB · Views: 139
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will plz provide me final hex code or c-code
for tx side mco(AT89s52) and rx side mco

i want final hex code or c code which i have to flash in mco
for both terminal tx and rx
sey i want to transmit just a message "HELLO" tx to rx

I have used mikroC PRO 8051 Compiler to write the code and used LCD and UART libraries and hence you will not get code for them. If you want LCD code then I can give it. For UART code you can refer to the book "8051 Microcontroller and Embedded System Using Assembly and C" by Muhammed Ali Mazidi.

Send button in Tx to send data to Rx. Rx received data and displays it on LCD line #2. Press button at Rx to clear the displayed message. Proteus simualtion attached.

You can download and install mikroC PRO 8051 demo Compiler from mikroElektronica. I hope it will compile the code as it is less than 2KB.


  • RF Comm.rar
    45.4 KB · Views: 125
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the virtual trminals not getting any input
means no data is transmitted by this code coz tx code is incomlplete

The project is working as expected. The Tx send out a string and the Rx receives it and displays it on LCD 2nd line. A button is used at the Tx to send the string and a button is used at Rx to clear LCD 2nd line. I have tested it and it works fine. Use the .hex files which I have provided and test it in hardware.

The text Tx is sending is "RF Comm Test\r".

11.0592 MHz clock and 9600 bps baudrate is used. mikroC PRO 8051 Compiler has a bug related to baudrate. In Proteus I have used a different baudrate. Maybe it is a bug of Proteus also.
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Ok thanks
Can I attach a keyped to type a msg to send

Yes you can connect a 3X4 or 4X4 keypad to a port like P2 at transmitter side and write code to send whatever character is entered. So as the character are entered at the transmitter side they are printed on LCD at the receiver side.
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Can u give a demo code
For this
With keyped

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