Newbie level 2
In post number 8 it was provided that IEEE 1076.6-2004 IEEE Standard for VHDL Register Transfer Level (RTL) Synthesis. It was of 2004.
What is the name for the advance latest version?
One of the many excuses vendors give for not supporting 1076.6-2004 is that this standard has been withdrawn (as per the status of this project). So there is no later version than this, though discussions are on-going at IEEE to subsume this into the main standard. Feel free to join in our discussions.
FvM said:DDR in- and output registers present in recent FPGA families are expected to be instantiated as low level-primitives. In my view this is rather a feature than a limitation, because you are describing exactly what you get instead bringing up the illusion of a synchronous dual-edge triggered flip-flop which don't exist in actual hardware.
As Jim from Synthworks mentioned, it is the duty of synthesis tools to make sense out of our HDL code and generate appropriate logic based on our code. If there are no dedicated DDR circuitry within the FPGA, then the synthesis tool could infer emulated DDR. But the thing is, FPGAs already have dedicated DDR circuits, so I don't see a reason why the synthesis tool can't automatically infer those dedicated circuits from our behavioural model.
Following your logic (that we instantiate low-level primitives to access DDR features), do you think it's a good idea to write all our flip-flops by instantiating them? I would prefer to describe flip-flops behaviourally:
process(clk) is begin
if rising_edge(clk) then q<=d; end if;
end process;
rather than instantiating the primitives (such as DFF, DFFE, etc.).
Same logic here. I would prefer synthesis tools to automatically infer DDR output registers based on our behavioural model - they can infer emulated DDR or dedicated DDR depending on whichever is available on silicon.