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QRC Run error in IC614

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I have IC614 installed. DRC and LVS are running fine but there is a problem facing during QRC run. Before the details of the error, please have a look at the configuration of my current setup:

Platform: Cent OS 5.8 [64 bit]
Installed Cadence Products: IUS08.20.017, IC06.14.512, MMSIM10.11.218, ASSURA4.12-614
Technology: UMC_180_ANALOG [64bit] (1.8-3.3V, Mixed-Mode, 1Poly6Metal Process)

I have configured .cdslib. assura_tech.lib, .cdsinit and .bashrc files to have my cadence installation running fine.

To verify the whole setup, I just created a simple inverter (in Virtuoso Schematic Editor XL), did a schematic-level simulation (in Analog Design Environment XL), did its layout (in Virtuoso Layout Suite XL), did DRC and LVS (in ASSURA).

Up to this point there was no problem.

After this when I tried to perform a QRC run, it failed. The error is:

  Cadence Extraction QRC - 64-bit Parasitic Extractor - Version 10.1.2-s124
Tue Aug 23 16:37:08 PDT 2011
                                Copyright 2010 Cadence Design Systems, Inc.

INFO (EXTQRCXOPT-243) : For Assura inputs, if the "output_setup -directory_name" option was not
specified, it is automatically set to the input directory.
INFO (LBRCXU-108): Starting

 /software/cadence/ASSURA/tools/assura/bin/rcxToDfII /research/samiran/umc18a64bOA//myInverter/__qrc.rcx_cmd -t -f /research/samiran/umc18a64bOA/myInverter/extview.tmp -w /research/samiran/umc18a64bOA/myInverter -cdslib /research/samiran/umc18a64bOA/cds.lib
Virtuoso Framework License (111) was checked out successfully. Total checkout time was 0.17s.
@(#)$CDS: rcxToDfII_64 version av4.1:Production:dfII6.1.4-64b:IC6.1.4-64b.500.10 08/05/2011 12:09 (sjfql211) $
sub-version 4.1_USR2_HF9, integ signature 2011-08-04-1344

run on jupiter from /software/cadence/ASSURA/tools.lnx86/assura/bin/64bit/rcxToDfII on Fri Jun  8 17:03:51 2012

Loading tech rule set file : /software/designPackages/UMC_64bit/UMC180_Analog/Designkits/Cadence_6.1/RuleDecks/Assura/techRuleSets
        Loading UMC_18_CMOS/loadCxt.ile ... done!
        Loading context 'designrule' from library 'UMC_18_CMOS' ... done!
        Loading context 'toolFunction' from library 'UMC_18_CMOS' ... done!
        Loading context 'Callback_MM' from library 'UMC_18_CMOS' ... done!
        Loading context 'Callback_RF' from library 'UMC_18_CMOS' ... done!
        Loading context 'pcell' from library 'UMC_18_CMOS' ... done!
        Loading context 'Util' from library 'UMC_18_CMOS' ... done!
        Loading context 'update_pdps' from library 'UMC_18_CMOS' ... done!
 Loading  /software/designPackages/UMC_64bit/UMC180_Analog/Designkits/Cadence_6.1/UMC_18_CMOS/
*WARNING* (TECH-230035): User-defined rule "minExtensionDistance" in constraint
                         group "foundry" of techDB "UMC_18_CMOS" conflicts with
                         a built-in constraint with the same name.
                         You may write out "constraintGroups" section to an
                         ASCII file, reopen the technology database in "a"
                         mode, and reload the file to update the database.
                         Another option is to rename this rule.
*ERROR* No library model for device "RM1_MM".
*ERROR* No library model for device "RM2_MM".
*ERROR* No library model for device "RM3_MM".
*ERROR* No library model for device "RM4_MM".
*ERROR* No library model for device "RM5_MM".
*ERROR* No library model for device "RM6_MM".

ERROR:  Assura is terminating because some library models do not exist.
        Your rules and your dfII model libraries are inconsistent.
        Assura requires all library models in the rule file be present
        in the database when running rcx with the "extracted_view"

INFO (LBRCXU-111): Warning /software/cadence/ASSURA/tools/assura/bin/rcxToDfII exit with bad status

INFO (LBRCXU-112): Warning Status 256

INFO (LBRCXU-113): Warning QRC execution terminated

*****  aveng fork terminated abnormally  *****

I am clueless about the reason behind this error. Please help me to resolve this issue as soon as possible.

Hi Samiran_dam,

I got similar problem as you asked:

*WARNING* (TECH-230035)

Can you tell me how to fix this warning, please? Thank in advanced.

Hi Samiran_dam,

I got similar problem as you asked:

*WARNING* (TECH-230035)

Can you tell me how to fix this warning, please? Thank in advanced.

In the QRC setup window, you will see Setup tab (the first tab). In that setup tab, un-check the "Enable CellView Check" option. (attached is the screen shot). Then you will not get this error. The errors will be converted to Warnings and that will not be a problem.

Thank samiran_dam,
I follow your instruction. However, the problem is still there.
I use Cadence IC 615, and the "Enable CellView Check" option is un-checked as default.
2014-01-06 5-04-40 PM.png

Thank samiran_dam,
I follow your instruction. However, the problem is still there.
I use Cadence IC 615, and the "Enable CellView Check" option is un-checked as default.
View attachment 100646

The attachment that you have sent suggests that you have not selected the Technology and the corresponding Rule Set. I think that is the reason why u r getting the error.
Thank Sam,
I think you may be right. But I want to ask one more question. How can I fix it? When I trie to create my own library (my_lib) with "Attach to an existing techfile" option, the CIW displayed this warning. It means that I did not go to run QRC step.

Thank Sam,
I think you may be right. But I want to ask one more question. How can I fix it? When I trie to create my own library (my_lib) with "Attach to an existing techfile" option, the CIW displayed this warning. It means that I did not go to run QRC step.

I did not get your problem. Are you trying to say that when you are creating a new library (say, "my_lib'), and when you select "Attach to an existing techfile" option you are not seeing any available technology library to select from? If that is the case, then you check you cds.lib file.

Hi Sam,
Actually, I can choose technology file when I select "Attach to an existing techfile". But I don't know why the warning is showed?

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