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pickit2 clone mcu hobby(szilva)

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pete g

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May 18, 2009
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hi all, just finished making above programmer. firstly, can a 2n7000 replace a bs170? tyhe programmer passes vdd test ---but fails the vpp test. voltage level issue. checked all the usual suspects, semi orientation, shorts, opens, componet values. cannot find problem. scoped pins of 18f2550, found osc signal on pins 9 & 10. a square wave on pin 13. these reading were taken with no pic in the programmer. vdd measured 5 volts.

hi, the pickit clone by Szilva: on the pc board of this programmer bs250 is Q5, does the same fix apply? subbing irlml6402 for Q5. are there any other fixes for this programmer? also, thank you for your response. pg

Yup So far, that's the most crictical part that contribute to the Vpp error. In the meantime, check the transistors, they might be installed in the wrong orientation, causing some of them to be burnt. :)
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    pete g

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hi john, ok, thats good news. i used 2n7000 for the bs170. is that a good sub?

No problem for that. I am also using the 2n7000 as well ~~

iam so excited!!!!! to think i might get this programmer working. thanks a lot. if your ever in s. florida, i'll buy you a lobster dinner. regards pete g.

The 680micro henry coil is too critical which generates the Vpp. I have used different coils up to 1Mh, but 680 works fine for me. Check the same at your end. I have just used 2N3904 (3Nos) and 2N3906 (1No) in my cicruit, which work fine.
hi pranam77, iam using 680uhy. iam very interested in the use of the transistors. so, you used 3 npn and 1 pnp. did you have to modify the circuit in any way? btw, after much searching i finally found a source for IRLML6402. its called Dipmicro located in Canada.

hi pranam77, iam using 680uhy. iam very interested in the use of the transistors. so, you used 3 npn and 1 pnp. did you have to modify the circuit in any way? btw, after much searching i finally found a source for IRLML6402. its called Dipmicro located in Canada.
No the circuit needn't be modified. I am refering to the PiCkit2 Lite circuit from "blueroom" which can be found on EDA board. Just have a search. If you coudnt find, i'll specify a link in my next post. Directly use transistors in place. But the Base-Emitter-Collector pins are just opposite to the one we have on general purpose makes like the BC548. just refer the datasheet.
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    pete g

    Points: 2
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o.k., i'll check it out. sounds good. thanks. pg
Dear all,

Sorry for commenting in an old thread.

I fond the schematic of the blueroom electronics pickit2 but need the hex file for the 18f2550. Can one of you please upload it here.

BTW can you program all the pic microcontrollers that are programmable by the original pickit2 (10F, 12F, 16F, 18F, 24F, dsPIC30F & dsPIC33F)?

Best regards

Dear all,

Sorry for commenting in an old thread.

I fond the schematic of the blueroom electronics pickit2 but need the hex file for the 18f2550. Can one of you please upload it here.

BTW can you program all the pic microcontrollers that are programmable by the original pickit2 (10F, 12F, 16F, 18F, 24F, dsPIC30F & dsPIC33F)?

Best regards


If you search the posts in this forum you will see countless versions of a diy pk2 clone.

Most are basic, cut down copies of Microchips Pk2 but using common transistors rather than some difficult to obtain smd parts.
Generally they can do programming and debugging but some of the fancy features are removed.

The 2550 is programmed with the code from Microchip. V2.32
**broken link removed**

It runs direct from MPlab or using its own StandAlone program V2.61 ( from the above Pk2 link) which can program some chips that MPlab cannot.
Again lots of info and device updates on the Pk2 in Microchips Pk2 forum.

This link shows the chips that can be program ( does not include V2.61 update device list)
**broken link removed**

Here is my simple version


  • pk2mini.jpg
    75 KB · Views: 130
  • pk2hi.jpg
    805.7 KB · Views: 142
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    Points: 2
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Dear wp100,

Thank you for your fast reply. Another simple question, in your layout there are 3 leds but the schematic that you uploaded (which is as same as mine) has only 2 leds. Can you please tell me whet is the 3rd leds purpose and where it connects to?


Dear wp100,

Thank you for your fast reply. Another simple question, in your layout there are 3 leds but the schematic that you uploaded (which is as same as mine) has only 2 leds. Can you please tell me whet is the 3rd leds purpose and where it connects to?



Its the Orange led that is called Target on the full Pk2. Its used to indicate if the Pk2 is supplying power to the Pic chip / circuit.

It was not considered worth while connecting up so did not show in the circuit diagram.

You want to download the PK2 User Guide on the Pk2 site, it contains all the operating instructions and full circuits.

This type of diy PK2 does not have the adjustable output voltage selecotr, but it can be run on its normal 5v to program chips or 3v3 for those needing a lower voltage.

Its also able to run the USART and Logic Tool, but cannot do the Programmer to Go because its not fitted with the memory chips.

Its often said buying a complete ready made Pk2 or PK3 is almost a check as building your own plus it gives you a solid working device so allowing you to develop your own designs.

I had a Microchip Pk2 before I built my own version, more as an exercise and to provide a backup programmer, which I have never needed because the Pk2 is so good.

Depends where you are but the price difference between the Pk2 and Pk3 is very little these days, the Pk3 being able / is fully supported to program all most all pic chips.
Pk2 device support officially ended a few years ago.

Dear wp100,
Thank you for the reply. As you said I already have a working pickit 2 but wanted a backup as I have been in too much desperate situations :D

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