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Need example of generating n-bit signal for D/A simulation

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Nov 15, 2004
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Hi all,

Who can give me a Matlab/Simulink example to generate the n-bit digital sine signal for a n-bit D/A SNR etc. simulation?

Thanks & Best Regards

.vec & hspice simulation

Use the Quantizer in the simulink toolbox.

simulation d/a with matlab

You can also use script to descript the DAC in matlab besides Simulink. However, you may need to put noise inside as well. When you do SNR, it will be better to Bin it, then FFT/DFT.

Re: About D/A simulation

What do you to bin it before FFT?

Added after 25 seconds:

What do you to bin it before FFT?

About D/A simulation

it is simple.
use simulink's sinwave block to generate a sinwave based sampling mode, and do fft to it

Re: About D/A simulation

Where to download the Matlab script file or Simulink model to do D/A simulation ?

Re: About D/A simulation

Yes, I also want to get the Matlab script file or Simulink model to do D/A simulation.

BTW, how can I put the digital sine signal code generated by Matlab/Simulink to a real case DAC for HSPICE simulation, then FFT for SNR? Or is there any better way to do this?

Thanks & Best Regards

About D/A simulation

u may generate it using vec file in hspice

Re: About D/A simulation

arsenal said:
u may generate it using vec file in hspice

how to do it? please give a detailed explanation or example, thx.
About D/A simulation

matlab's simulink tool

Re: About D/A simulation

xuel said:
arsenal said:
u may generate it using vec file in hspice

how to do it? please give a detailed explanation or example, thx.

ok,vec file just descripts waveforms in ascii file and u can look it up in the help files of hspice.
and there is another very simple way to give the stimuli:
just use N vpulses in hspice and by setting different delay and period u can get wanted N input waveforms

Re: About D/A simulation

Analog_starter said:
Yes, I also want to get the Matlab script file or Simulink model to do D/A simulation.

BTW, how can I put the digital sine signal code generated by Matlab/Simulink to a real case DAC for HSPICE simulation, then FFT for SNR? Or is there any better way to do this?

Thanks & Best Regards

You also can use spectreVerilog simulator. Save the sample sinewave data into a ASCII file, write a verilg code to read the data. Then you can put verilog model as input to the real D/A in spectreVerilog simultor.
Hope it helps.

Re: About D/A simulation

Is that mean Cadence Spectra can do mixed-mode circuit simulation ?

Re: About D/A simulation

xwcwc1234 said:
Is that mean Cadence Spectra can do mixed-mode circuit simulation ?
not the spectre simulator. It is spectreVerilog simulator. spectreVerilog simulator uses spectre to do analog simulation and verilog_XL to digital simulation, it has scheme to let these two simulator communicate with each other.
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