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H-bridge Controller IC recommendations??

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Dec 20, 2004
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h bridge driver ic

Hi All,
can anyone recommend me a controller IC for H-bridge?
I got the idea of a H- bridge however, how does one derive a driver circuit for a H-bridge?
I want to drive a dc motor with the following specs:


Rated Load(12V)
-no current load=1.3Amps

These are extracted from the datasheet of the DC motor. Will any kind souls show me the way?


h bridge controller

I presume the motor rating is as follows:

Voltage = 12V
Rated Current = 13.2A

(I do not understand the 90V, pls advise)

My suggestion is to use power mosfet. The recommended devices are as follows:

Manufacturer: ST Microelectronics

Manufacturers: ST Microelectronics
**broken link removed**

Application note:



    Points: 2
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h-bridge driver ic

The voltage rating is 24VDC.
Does the power MOSFET still applies?Cause i saw the Vdd(max) to be 18V.
By the way do you know which micro-controller to recommend? I search and found many type of micro-controller available at ST microelectronics.
Thanks for your advices and guidances.


h-bridge controller

Fusion80 said:
The voltage rating is 24VDC.
Does the power MOSFET still applies?Cause i saw the Vdd(max) to be 18V.
By the way do you know which micro-controller to recommend? I search and found many type of micro-controller available at ST microelectronics.
Thanks for your advices and guidances.
If the voltage rating (of the DC motor) is 24VDC, then I suggest you to use STP60NF06L ( )

Regarding the microcontroller, would you please advise the control algorithm that you're going to apply in your application? If the control strategy is not heavy, you may consider to use AT89C51 from Atmel, or PIC16F877A from Microchip.


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12v h bridge ic dc motor microcontroller

Thanks once again. Basically i would assume algorithm as the language for the programming. If so i know how to use the basics of C++ and use of 8051Microcontroller.
what do I do with or how do i go about with the micro controller chip?

What i had learned is about 8051 programming with the help of a kitset. But to have a prog written to a chip?? I really dont understand this part.

Please advise.


pwm h bridge ic

Would you pls share more about the control strategy that you're going to apply in your system? For example, we may control the speed of the motor by varying the duty cycle of PWM signals that drive the H-bridge.

You may consider using Keil compiler. An evaluation version (2k code size limit) of Keil can be downloaded at . Besides, you need a programmer to download the code to the chip. You can build the programmer yourself. You can find FREE software+schematic at **broken link removed**


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pwm h-bridge driver ic

I have seen most of the website havin PWM as a method of speed control. Are there other ways in which speed control could be achieve? Could we regulate the voltage and thus gain speed control? Or did i get the concept of speed control wrongly?

I am actually working on a project of mine. I want to have three variations of speed. slow, medium and fast.
the controller would be mounted on a handle bar so that user can actually chose the speed.

I have the prog of ke*il C and using the full version of it. However, do i have to come up with the circuit to interface with the Microcontroller? example: lcd screen, keypad, leds?

Please advise.


pwm h bridge controller circuit

Fusion80 said:
I have seen most of the website havin PWM as a method of speed control. Are there other ways in which speed control could be achieve? Could we regulate the voltage and thus gain speed control? Or did i get the concept of speed control wrongly?

I am actually working on a project of mine. I want to have three variations of speed. slow, medium and fast.

The controller would be mounted on a handle bar so that user can actually chose the speed.

I have the prog of ke*il C and using the full version of it. However, do i have to come up with the circuit to interface with the Microcontroller? example: lcd screen, keypad, leds?
You're right that PWM is a popular approach to control the speed of DC motor. Another approach could be using linear amplifier (without switching) to change the amplitude of voltage applied to DC motor.

Say the DC motor, when applied to FULL voltage supply, rotates at 3000rpm. Do you mind to share with us how do you define 'slow', 'medium', and 'fast'? Do you mean, for example, 1000rpm is slow, 2000rpm is medium, and 3000rpm is fast?

Besides, what is the characteristic of the load driven by the motor? If we ignore speed-dependent damping torques (e.g. viscous damping torque and windage torque), is the load static or dynamic?

I think you need to interface the system to 'input device' so that user can select the speed of the motor. You can use keypad as the input device, but since you have only 3 speed options, may be you can use rotary switch (see attached figure).


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h=bridge speed contorl

Sorry but it seemed that the driver chip is not available at my country. I thought that using HIP4082IP is also possible. What are your thoughts? Attached is the datasheet.
Could you recommend other chips if you dont advise for the above mentioned chip.

Thanks Regards,


heavy duty h-bridge

Fusion80 said:
Sorry but it seemed that the driver chip is not available at my country. I thought that using HIP4082IP is also possible. What are your thoughts? Attached is the datasheet.
Could you recommend other chips if you dont advise for the above mentioned chip.
Agree... HIP4080/81/82 can be used.


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st-microelectronics h-bridge ic

I have used HIP 4082IP as the driver circuit.
Upon studying the datasheet, i found myself having the difficulty of calculating the values of resistors and diodes of the configuration.
How do I come up with the PWM input to the the circuit?
How am I to supply the 12V to the chip?

I will still be using the STP60NF06L as the power mosfet. It is a bit confusin with the circuit diagram they provided in the data sheet.

Please advise,

Best Regards,

hip4080 application note

The PWM approach is most efficient way in controlling motor speed, because it's used swiching strategy (even tough it's not liniear) and provided low power dissipation on most solid state driver


    Points: 2
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high power bridge control ic

Fusion80 said:
I have used HIP 4082IP as the driver circuit.
Upon studying the datasheet, i found myself having the difficulty of calculating the values of resistors and diodes of the configuration.
How do I come up with the PWM input to the the circuit?
How am I to supply the 12V to the chip?

I will still be using the STP60NF06L as the power mosfet. It is a bit confusin with the circuit diagram they provided in the data sheet.

Please advise,

Best Regards,

Yes.. I have seen in most websites that it is the best method. However, with the HIP4082IP, I need to generate a PWM to the driver circuit.
I will be using the STP60NF06L as the power mosfet.
1)How is it being achieved?
2)How do i calculate the resistor values for the circuit ?
3)Do i need another chip for the PWM generation and how am i suppose to do it?

Thanks for the post anyway.

Best regards,

d.c motor controller using h-bridge and at89c51

Do you mean the resistors in the schematic on page 2 of the HIP4082IP's datasheet? (pls see figure)


    Points: 2
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controlled h bridge

YEs. The schemetic is found on page 2.
I do not how to caculate the resistors, capacitor and diode value for the circuit.

Am i correct to say that to control the speed of the motor and the direction, I would have to use the microcontroller to control the logic level at the PWM. (ex. ALI & BLI)

Best regards,

best h bridge ic

Fusion80 said:
YEs. The schemetic is found on page 2.
I do not how to caculate the resistors, capacitor and diode value for the circuit.

Am i correct to say that to control the speed of the motor and the direction, I would have to use the microcontroller to control the logic level at the PWM. (ex. ALI & BLI)
If you do not need current monitoring (e.g. for control or overcurrent protection), R2 ~ R6 can be omitted. R1 is to adjust the dead time between high-side and low-side switches in one leg. You can choose 100kohm for R1.

The capacitors and diodes are required for bootstrap supply design. You may find more info at **broken link removed** (under Bootstrap Supply Design). You can also download the attachment (some design experience though it's failed) for reference.

You can vary the speed of the motor by varying the 'duty-cycle' of the PWM signals connected to ALI & BLI.

The direction of motor rotation can be controlled by turning on the proper pair of switches. For example, if motor rotates clockwise direction when "Left-High" and "Right-Low" switches are ON, the motor will rotate in anti-clockwise direction if "Left-Low" and "Right-High" switches are ON.


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hip4080 24v motor control

Oh..ok. Thanks alot.
How do i inject signals to the PWM inputs(ALI & BLI)?what do you mean by
" the dead time between high-side and low-side switches in one leg"
"Bootstrap Supply Design" works for DC battery source? cause i will be using a car's battery to connect to the circuit.
Now with the supply, how am i suppose to power 12V to the driver as my battery is 24V.

Best regards,

ic that can be used for h bridge

Fusion80 said:
How do i inject signals to the PWM inputs(ALI & BLI)?what do you mean by
" the dead time between high-side and low-side switches in one leg"
"Bootstrap Supply Design" works for DC battery source? cause i will be using a car's battery to connect to the circuit.
Now with the supply, how am i suppose to power 12V to the driver as my battery is 24V.
The PWM signal can be generated from a PWM circuit (e.g. dedicated IC) or microcontroller.

I have edited the circuit in my previous post. Pls look at it. S1 and S2 are considered one leg. Try to imagine, if S1 and S2 are turn on at the same time, what will happen? It's a short circuit. In practical, when you turn off a switch, the current needs 'finite' time to fall to zero. Say now S1 is cut off. If the current through S1 has not fallen to zero yet and you turn on S2, short circuit will happen. To avoid this shoot-through problem, we introduce a dead time between the turn-off of S1 and turn-on of S2.

The bootstrap supply is required to turn on the high-side switches properly. It's nothing to do with the DC battery as you mentioned in your last post. :)

You can use a linear regulator (7812) or switching regulator (buck converter) to reduce the 24V to 12V for supplying the driver.


    Points: 2
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h bridge ic recommendations

Sorry, but with the large current going through the motor, do i need a thicker wire to connect the motor with the power mosfet and to the battery source


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