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need some suggestions about programming with pickit 3

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Junior Member level 2
Junior Member level 2
Jul 29, 2013
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hi all! i hope you can give me some advice! im using pickit 3, i connect it to the target (a 16f887) and i just program while the pic is completely hooked and working with other ic's and leds and its externally powered (by a variable source), in a manner i see the inmediate effect of my code modifications, am i doing it correctly?

i connect my pickit 3 in this way:

pin 1 to mclr
pin 2 to vdd (from an external source i dont use the pickit to source)
pin 3 to Vss (from external source...
pin 4 to dat (rb7)
pin 5 to clk (rb6)

Do not forget to connect the pin 6 = PGM!!! (RB3)!!!
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pin 6 is not needed in the way im programming, i would like to know if programming directly to the microcontroller while it's working doesnt burn anything

GND = VSS must be common!!!

And make sure the values ​​of the voltages!!!

See ICSP docs!!!

Works fine for me!!!
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GND = VSS must be common!!!

And make sure the values ​​of the voltages!!!

See ICSP docs!!!

Works fine for me!!!

yes, VDD and VSS from the pickit must be connected to the target circuit's V+ and GND (when the pickit 3 is not sourcing) am i right?

If you do not want to use a voltage source pickit3 even so, you must use the GND, the one who will not be connected is VDDor V+ !!!

Like this:

pin 1 to mclr / VPP
pin 2 to not connected
pin 3 to Vss and/or GND
pin 4 to data (rb7)
pin 5 to clock (rb6)

you need that Vss (pin3) common for both external supply and also for pickit3)as all signals of pickit3are w.r.t ground pin.

then there is a issue with too heavy capacitors (electrolytic) that wont allow the pic get ready before the pic tries to program it.

Thirdly, the pins Mclr , PGclk, PGdata if used for other needs
should be used with 1K series resistor

while the PICKIT3 would be connected directly.
please try these things
yes i know vss and gnd from pickit 3 must be connected, but also Vdd (from the pickit pin 2) with V+, otherwise it doesnt work, if i try what nagkiller says about not connecting the V+ from the external source with the Vdd pin from the pickit 3 it throw me an error, when the pickit 3 is not sourcing it needs not only the Vss but also the Vdd from the external source in order to work properly

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