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UART controller or RS232 controller? Is UART a general word?

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Junior Member level 2
Junior Member level 2
Mar 28, 2011
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Hi guys,

i have a question regarding UART controller. Is UART controller a general name? i mean that if we use RS-232 protocol, we should name this UART controller, RS-232 controller and if we use RS-485 as protocol, we should call this UART controller, a RS-485 controller.
i noticed that we say network controller (protocols:Ethernet, token ring,ATM,..)generally and if the protocol implemented is Ethernet for example, we say Ethernet controller. Is it a correct comparison between UART controller and Network controller meaing that they both are general names?

I count on your answers. Thanks a lot

Sorry if this thread is not in the appropriate branch( I search UART though in the forum)
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As far as I know, they are not the same as they use different voltage level as well but all communicate serially.
RS232 and RS485 are different protocols used in different applications with RS485 mostly used for greater multipoint distances.
The key link here, they can be easily be converted from one another.

Thanks very much for your reply. but I'm not talking about timing and signal specifications of these two (Network controller & UART) protocols neither about their access protocol by itself since they are different protocols.
What i'm asking is that,if they both are general words and regarding what communication protocol is implemented( ethernet, ATM, .. for network controller and RS-232,RS-484,... for UART controller) they take these specific names as Ethernet controller, or RS-232 controller.

or maybe we categorize the controllers(interface) by their usage, for networking or for multipoint distance for example?



UART was used to design a parralele to serial converter with the possibility to add a start bit , a parity bit , and a stop bit
to built a RS232 frame..

Serial transmission is controled by a clock.
UART 100% hardware AY3-1015, TMS6011 ... don't need a microcontroler
was used into modem ...

UART hardware controlled by software :
intel family UART 8250
motorola family ACIA 6850

UART is also integratred into microcontroller with more control facility by software configuration...


UART was used to design a parralele to serial converter with the possibility to add a start bit , a parity bit , and a stop bit
to built a RS232 frame..

Serial transmission is controled by a clock.
UART 100% hardware AY3-1015, TMS6011 ... don't need a microcontrolerwas used into modem ...

UART hardware controlled by software :
intel family UART 8250
motorola family ACIA 6850

UART is also integratred into microcontroller with more control facility by software configuration...

Bonjour Paul,
Je te remercie de m'avoir répondu.
As i understand from your responses above is: parallel to serial transmission needs a hardware.this hardware is called UART.this transmission can be of RS-232 protocol, RS-485 protocol or...
but i can't understand your words highlighted in black. Do you mean that we have UART that are 100% hardware and we have UART that are mix of HW &SW?
also do you mean that the UART which are mixture of HW& SW needs a controller (interface) because they have software parts? and this UART interface + UART HW(the part that does parallel to serial conversion) have been recently integrated into the main microcontroller (which has the processor on it)?

merci beaucoup

AY3-1015 is the old fashion , i think not still used now.
But with this (hardware UART) you can transform serial data ( like RS232 flow) in 8 parralele bits and vice-versa without using a microcontrooler.
you can see an example on my web page , using TMS6011 UART linked trough RS232 to a Sinclair QL 68008
to get 8 output or 8 inputs from RS232 commande. (**broken link removed**Oldies.htm)

UART serialise the data, after protocol to use is another subject RS232,RS285,RS422.. Modbus ...etc ..

this UART interface + UART HW(the part that does parallel to serial conversion)
have been recently integrated into the main microcontroller (which has the processor on it)?

Yes, UART hardware part is now inside the microcontroler. named hardware UART (or UART1 ,UART2...)
you can have also 100% software UART (to manage the 2 pins TX and RX => bitbang solution)

This is the main difference between the old fashion
a MicroProcessor ( Z80,6502,6800) witch handle external periferic hardware like UART (ACIA 6850, UART 8250, ..)
Thanks a lot,

You have a great portfolio of projects on your website. je suis tres surprise.

Pardis de Grenoble

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Thanks a lot,

You have a great portfolio of projects on your website. je suis tres surprise.

Pardis de Grenoble

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