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Can White Light travel through Fiber Optics?

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May 17, 2004
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White Light

Assalam O Alekum !

Can White Light travel through Fiber Optics?
if no then why ?
if yes then how?


Re: White Light


Yes, white light can travel through fibres, at least the ones I use (digital audio).

As to why, it's more like "why not?". White light is just a mixture of wavelengths that the eye (or rather the brain) understands as "white". Each of thses wavelengths can travel through a fibre together, just like they do through a sheet of glass.



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Re: White Light

FoxyRick said:

Yes, white light can travel through fibres, at least the ones I use (digital audio).

As to why, it's more like "why not?". White light is just a mixture of wavelengths that the eye (or rather the brain) understands as "white". Each of thses wavelengths can travel through a fibre together, just like they do through a sheet of glass.


almost, in all applications an electrical signal is at first converted to optical and then allowed to pass thro the fibre... correct me if i am wrong so inorder to produce an optical white light... it means that an electrical signal with "all frequencies" must bethe source which is being converted to optical? am i interpreting right? is there such a relation existing between the two? or is this a crap? pls explain... if not.. then is this theoretically possible? hope not!


Re: White Light

Hamidzia said:
Can White Light travel through Fiber Optics?

It does! Fiber optic is a medium to excert a low loss for optical-range frequency of waves.

Do you own a cellular phone? Light is electromagnetic wave. You are inside the of a building. Tell me how you are able to communicate inside closed walls?

Light (and light is electromagnetic wave) can pierce with force even through metal. It is called laser invented by Alexander Prokhorov.

White Light

Off Topic ... sorry

Say we're insides a huge box without window. The wall and ceiling of the box is made of brick. Do you think our cellular phone can receive signal from outsides? What happen if the wall of the box is made of metal and the metal is grounded?

I ask this because I found out when I am insides elevator (lift), my cellular phone receives no signal.

Re: White Light

arunmit168 said:
almost, in all applications an electrical signal is at first converted to optical and then allowed to pass thro the fibre... correct me if i am wrong so inorder to produce an optical white light... it means that an electrical signal with "all frequencies" must bethe source which is being converted to optical? am i interpreting right? is there such a relation existing between the two? or is this a crap? pls explain... if not.. then is this theoretically possible? hope not!


No you're are incorrect. The Optical signal is usually a laser at a single wavelength.
The optical wavelength has no relationship to the electrical signal to be transported.
I work with CATV laser transmitters and receivers. We typically convert 80 channels of television onto a single wavelength laser thru fiber. Weither we use 1 or 80 channels the wavelength of the laser remains constant.

There is little difference between the method used to transmit radio or television via airwaves to the same signals sent down fiber optic cable. All are heterodyne transmissions.

Now while white light can travel down a fibre it most likely will be attenuated ( reduced ) due to the fact the fibre is usually defined to a rather narrow band compared to white light which is a mixing of all optical frequencies.
Most fibres are in the 680nm ( red ) to 1500nm range ( infrared )
most common frequencies are 1300nm and 1500nm for CATV.
while white light covers ( to human eye ) from ~400nm ( violet ) to 700nm. ( red )
You can use white light but only part of it will be able to travel down the fiber without significant losses. You can think of the fiber as a filter that will only pass signal within its designated range. thus If you supply a while light (400nm-700nm) to a 680nm fiber eveything below about 600nm is lost. What will happen is you will get a significantly reduced optical power level thru the fiber using white as opposed to the wavelength the fiber is designated for.

Think of it this way the total power in while light is spread evenly across all frequencies from 400 to 700nm summed. If the fiber only passes 680 +-80nm then the amount of power seen thru the fiber would be about 1/3 or less of the applied optical power. IF you only used 1 wavelength at the fibers frequency then you'll see about 98% of the applied power thru the fiber. BIG difference.
hope this helps


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Re: White Light

nicleo said:
Off Topic ... sorry

I ask this because I found out when I am insides elevator (lift), my cellular phone receives no signal.

No it is not off-topic.

What happens in International Space Station? Why Russian and American Astronauts are never affected by cosmic radiation?

It does more involve a lot of effort to build a box (elevator?) to withstand cosmic radiation.
But explanation of receiving no cellular signal, which are weak compared to cosmic radiations (FCC is more powerful!), stands of location of elevator in reference to satellite but also consider the Famous Gauss Derivation "inside an empty metal shell EM forces are zero."

Re: White Light

djalli said:
No it is not off-topic.

What happens in International Space Station? Why Russian and American Astronauts are never affected by cosmic radiation?

It does more involve a lot of effort to build a box (elevator?) to withstand cosmic radiation.
But explanation of receiving no cellular signal, which are weak compared to cosmic radiations (FCC is more powerful!), stands of location of elevator in reference to satellite but also consider the Famous Gauss Derivation "inside an empty metal shell EM forces are zero."

Unfortunatly the astronauts ARE effected by cosmic radiation. That is why during the Coronal Mass discharges forced the astronusts into shielded compartments on the ISS.

They are still protected by much of the earth's magnetetosphere. Due to this they will receive less radiation than say a Mars mission would.

Re: White Light

yes white light can travel through fibre optic,
it will cause dispersion on each edge.

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