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how to interface JY MCU Bluetooth 1.03 module with 89c51 or 89s52

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Feb 2, 2012
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can i interface bluetooth module with 89c51 with 16x2 lcd.
its mean when bluetooth module power should be ON.then Lcd must show bluetooth module ON.similarly if it search for any another bluetooth device that may see on lcd .after geting pair it also may sow on lcd.

in short i have to display all bluetooth activity on 16x2 LCD using 89c51 is it possible?

Use a transistor controlled by MCU to switch ON the bluetooth module and feed back the + power pin to one digital input of MCU and monitor it. If that pin goes high then it means bluetooth is ON. You connect Rx and Tx pins of bluetooth module to Tx and Rx pins of MCU. You should refer datasheet and see if it sends any status signal so that you can find out what action bt module is currently performing. Without datasheet it can't be done but monitoring Rx and Tx lines we can say whether bt is transmitting or receiving data.
Use a transistor controlled by MCU to switch ON the bluetooth module and feed back the + power pin to one digital input of MCU and monitor it. If that pin goes high then it means bluetooth is ON. You connect Rx and Tx pins of bluetooth module to Tx and Rx pins of MCU. You should refer datasheet and see if it sends any status signal so that you can find out what action bt module is currently performing. Without datasheet it can't be done but monitoring Rx and Tx lines we can say whether bt is transmitting or receiving data.
yes i got its data sheet show in below pdf that HC-06 module is my module.


  • HC-Serial-Bluetooth-Products-201104.pdf
    938 KB · Views: 101

Use a transistor controlled by MCU to switch ON the bluetooth module and feed back the + power pin to one digital input of MCU and monitor it. If that pin goes high then it means bluetooth is ON. You connect Rx and Tx pins of bluetooth module to Tx and Rx pins of MCU. You should refer datasheet and see if it sends any status signal so that you can find out what action bt module is currently performing. Without datasheet it can't be done but monitoring Rx and Tx lines we can say whether bt is transmitting or receiving data.
hi jay how can i use that transistor with controller 89c51 i mean which port i have to interface with that transistor?

Use 2N2222A. Mention the max current drawn by the bt module. It is mentioned that your bt module works at 3.3V. So, if your MCU works at 5V then you need a level translator between MCU and bt module Rx and Tx pins otherwise your bt module will get damaged.

Use 2N2222A. Mention the max current drawn by the bt module. It is mentioned that your bt module works at 3.3V. So, if your MCU works at 5V then you need a level translator between MCU and bt module Rx and Tx pins otherwise your bt module will get damaged.
but my bluetooth module aslo support upto 6 volt supply then may need to convert that voltage at 3volt?

Make sure it works with 6V. In the datasheet you sent it is mentioned that V range is 3.3V to 4.2V.
yes you are right it's limit up to 4.2 volt.but jay i can't uderstand where to i have star to do my object.what should be 1'st stap for interfaceing bluetooth with 89c51/lcd?


I also use JYMCU bluettoth wit a pic18F46K22
you can directly use this module with 5V power supply .
and connect UART TX and RX to the BT module trough a resistor of 1K ohms value..
no need to uses special level adaptor.
It's works by default at 9600 bauds..
No need to programm something for the bluetooth device

I use it as transparent RS232 link..

Tested OK with BlueSoleil and therminal VBRAY
Tested Ok with Amarino 2.0 android apk

see **broken link removed**

I made other test on a similar interface Bluetooth-click RN41 from MikroE
to test dialogue exchange with the BT device ..
device name
see **broken link removed**

sorry, in French only..

I also use JYMCU bluettoth wit a pic18F46K22
you can directly use this module with 5V power supply .
and connect UART TX and RX to the BT module trough a resistor of 1K ohms value..
no need to uses special level adaptor.
It's works by default at 9600 bauds..
No need to programm something for the bluetooth device

I use it as transparent RS232 link..

Tested OK with BlueSoleil and therminal VBRAY
Tested Ok with Amarino 2.0 android apk

see **broken link removed**

I made other test on a similar interface Bluetooth-click RN41 from MikroE
to test dialogue exchange with the BT device ..
device name
see **broken link removed**

sorry, in French only..
can you give me that document in English. and Is it possible with 89c51 ?and what is that transparent RS232 link.plz tell me....


Sorry, i am french, so i allready made some effort to read datasheet , always in English,
and share my experimentation.( source C included!)
so program written in C langage can more easily to adapt to other microcontroller than pure asm.
I don't want to translate all, too much job.. try to use automatic translator .

Transparent RS232 link, means that you connect the JY MCU like an MAX232 or DS275 TTL/RS232 hardware converter.
You don't have to wrtite specific software to use it ..
just drive the microcontroler 89C51 UART like it is connected to a RS232 COM port ..that all.

On other side, you can use Bluesoleil program on PC , and virtual com to link a terminal like VBRAY terminal
(or other able to connect to COM8 or COM9 port)
After You can dialogue with the UART of microcontroler trough this terminal.
Default speed is 9600 bauds .(factory setting on YC MCU)

or you can write a VB6 application.. or VBnet .. every langage wich can support serial COM interface

or you can do some test with a tablett or Iphone under Android operating system (with Bluetooth link) and programm Amarino2.apk
see example..

Aide toi et le ciel t'aidera .


Sorry, i am french, so i allready made some effort to read datasheet , always in English,
and share my experimentation.( source C included!)
so program written in C langage can more easily to adapt to other microcontroller than pure asm.
I don't want to translate all, too much job.. try to use automatic translator .

Transparent RS232 link, means that you connect the JY MCU like an MAX232 or DS275 TTL/RS232 hardware converter.
You don't have to wrtite specific software to use it ..
just drive the microcontroler 89C51 UART like it is connected to a RS232 COM port ..that all.

On other side, you can use Bluesoleil program on PC , and virtual com to link a terminal like VBRAY terminal
(or other able to connect to COM8 or COM9 port)
After You can dialogue with the UART of microcontroler trough this terminal.
Default speed is 9600 bauds .(factory setting on YC MCU)

or you can write a VB6 application.. or VBnet .. every langage wich can support serial COM interface

or you can do some test with a tablett or Iphone under Android operating system (with Bluetooth link) and programm Amarino2.apk
see example..

Aide toi et le ciel t'aidera .

thanks paul
i have already done that part i was interface 232max with 89c51 and right now i have connect that jy mcu bluetooth module with that 89c51.
and that 89c51 is also connected with 16x2 LCD .and my aim is i want recive /transmitt data serially via jy mcu then it should be deliaver at DB9 connector.
and also trap activity of JY mcu on that 16x2 LCD.i.e. if JY mCU is transmitting data then it can desplay on that LCD like" JY MCU is TX data" or in case of reciving data lcd like show "jy mcu is RX data"
are u getting me what is my aim?
in short i would like show all bluetooth activity on 16x2 LCD like BT is on/off,serching for connection,tx mode,rx mode....


I did similar test with another application , but concerning RN41 bluetooh
i catch the exchange on UART BT to display it on a LCD2x16 car to see all step .
(add bigger temporisation to see all step on LCD , else to fast to see them).

Use of a state_machine end timeout treatment..
What is important , is the receive part on UART , use of interrupt to avoid missing carcateres


    13.1 KB · Views: 93

I did similar test with another application , but concerning RN41 bluetooh
i catch the exchange on UART BT to display it on a LCD2x16 car to see all step .
(add bigger temporisation to see all step on LCD , else to fast to see them).

Use of a state_machine end timeout treatment..
What is important , is the receive part on UART , use of interrupt to avoid missing carcateres

thanks paul
i see your attachement
can send me your protues file for that.and but i have work with 89c51 .is that code work with 89c51?

Sorry, it only works in real world, not with proteus simulator.
I only use ISIS to make the schematic.

This code is for PIC18F, but you can adapt this C18 versus to another C compiler dedicated to 89C51.

Sorry, it only works in real world, not with proteus simulator.
I only use ISIS to make the schematic.

This code is for PIC18F, but you can adapt this C18 versus to another C compiler dedicated to 89C51.
ohh then how can i done with 89c51 plz tell me......

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