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Measure potentiometer value using a constante current source

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Newbie level 4
Newbie level 4
Jul 3, 2008
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I need to measure a potentiometer value from a joystick. The usual way to do this is to use it as a voltage divider.

But I remember from university that I use a constant current source to measure the potentiometer value but I couldn't remember the advantages of that application beyond this way if the power source varies I still get the same value.

Could you explain me if that application will give me best results? per example about noise?

PS: I'm thinking to use a lm334

Thanks :)

The output wire taken from the potentiometer is lengthier & the output is too low (maybe in lower potential level) then the voltage output from the potentiometer will absorb noise. So you will not get the accuracy. So this problem is avoid using constant current source...
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The output wire taken from the potentiometer is lengthier & the output is too low (maybe in lower potential level) then the voltage output from the potentiometer will absorb noise. So you will not get the accuracy. So this problem is avoid using constant current source...

thanks for the explanation :)

To use only one current source for the 3 joystick, i need to use a micro with differential ADC, right?
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I disagree. take the basic set up, constant VOLTAGE source, three pots wired across it. Whatever the slider is doing OR the input impedance of the stage its following, the controls are fully isolated.
Now replace the constant voltage with a constant current. The voltage drop across the pots is the resistance of the three in parallel times the (single) source current . Now if a pot is adjusted, the impedance of the following stage, takes more or less current. This change in current causes the voltage drop across the pots to change, which causes the voltages picked of by the other pots to change resulting in interaction between the pots. So you will need three current sources easier to use a single voltage source.

Some original joysticks used the Pot to control a VCO and thus frequency was the output, however DMM use constant current ( 0.0001mA to 1mA) to drive the probes and thus Resistance is the voltage on the probes.

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