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HFSS for electromagnetic modelling of electric motor?

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Advanced Member level 2
Sep 6, 2004
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maxwell motor simulation

Is it possible to use HFSS for electromagnetic modelling of electric motor? For example, permanent magnet brushless dc motor, induction motor, etc. Thanks

maxwell 2d rotor models

HFSS = High Frequency signal simulation (Ghz) . HFSS is for small structures only, and don't contain mechanical movement. If you want to simulate electric field in a coil you can do it with HFSS, but without movement....

low frequency electromagnetic modeling

There is an other Program which is also from Ansoft : RMxprt™.

RMxprt, our motor-design software, allows users to enter motor specifications, such as operating source, rotor, stator, lamination geometry, winding configuration, and materials, and automatically generates a cross-section of the motor. Design engineers can use closed-form analytical methods to calculate motor performance, reducing computation time to only seconds. Performance output includes waveforms of current, torque, speed, flux densities, input power, stator current, power factor, output power, and efficiency. The designer can change any input parameter to see how it affects the output performance. This data allows the user to determine performance trends and to decide which design concept is most likely to satisfy specifications. Once the engineer is satisfied with the design, RMxprt will automatically output the geometric model directly to Maxwell®, Ansoft's powerful finite-element software, to refine performance parameters and to increase the accuracy of the performance predictions.

Maxwell 2D includes a powerful, nonlinear, transient feature that is ideal for detailed motor analysis where combined electric circuit/magnetic field/motion calculations are required for accurate performance predictions. Using the model created by RMxprt, Maxwell accurately predicts essential engineering quantities, such as various currents and induced voltages, flux linkage, torque, speed, position, and power loss. Engineers may use the integrated signal-processing calculator to determine RMS or average value computations, curve fitting, and harmonics analysis.

google maxwell ansoft v 11 2d


ansoft has two sets of products: High Frequency (HF) and Electromagnetics (EM).

HFSS is from the first group, while motor design is in the second group.

Below is a short description of the products from the EM group:

Maxwell 3D - 3D and 2D Finite Element Analysis for low frequency. For the past years this is the leading tool for motor designers. It includes the following solvers:Electrostatic,Magnetostatic,Magneto-AC,Transient (including motion).

ePhysics - An optional component to Maxwell 3D solver that includes Thermal and Stress analysis.

RMxprt - An easy to use motor design program based on predefined forms that the user fills in. The engine is an analytical one which means it runs much faster than Maxwell 2D. If you want a more accurate solution you can export the model to Maxwell 2D and continue there.

Simplorer - A circuit simulator that includes a circuit (for power and mechanical load), state machine (for PWM) and block diagrams (for control). The latest version has co-simulation with Maxwell 2D. Which means you can simulate including the complete circuit.

In order to understand more how these compenents work together I suggest reading:
**broken link removed**

Itai Frenkel
motor design engineers

How can I simulate waveguide filter with HFSS. plz help me?

3d flux simulation induction motor

dostkhobman said:
How can I simulate waveguide filter with HFSS. plz help me?
You should read examples, study HFSS and build geometry as description in classic EM literature

how to model magnets in hfss

you can also use CEDRAT - FLUX2D and FLUX3D - powerfull and very competitive vs Ansoft's pricing strategy...

Flux is finite element software for electromagnetic and thermal simulation, both in 2D and 3D. Flux handles the design and analysis of any electromagnetic device.

Based on 30-year experience, Flux is reliable and accurate.
Featuring a tremendous number of functionnalities such as extended multiparametric analysis, advanced electrical circuit coupling and kinematic coupling, it is suitable for static, harmonic and transient analysis.

Flux is suitable for designing, optimising and analysing any electromagnetic devices such as, among others, electrical motors and generators, linear actuators, transformers, induction heating devices, sensors, HV devices, cables, electromagnetic compatibility, non destructive evaluation devices...

hi 3dandyw,
i am a new flux user. have you got any lecture note or someelse. if you have, can you sende me. thx

Hi yasemin, I believe you should have the user manual of FLUX 2D/3D. Or, may be you can request few examples from the company.

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