Advanced Member level 3
We are laying out a double-sided PCB for a xenon flash lamp?......the lamp flashes for 200us every 800ms, and the flash current is 40 Amps peak.
Therefore, we want more than one via when we change layer with this track.
Do you know how to make a track go to the bottom layer with more than one it just a case of putting a via on the board, assigning it to the same net as the track, then using it?
We are laying out a double-sided PCB for a xenon flash lamp?......the lamp flashes for 200us every 800ms, and the flash current is 40 Amps peak.
Therefore, we want more than one via when we change layer with this track.
Do you know how to make a track go to the bottom layer with more than one it just a case of putting a via on the board, assigning it to the same net as the track, then using it?