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Newbie level 6
Newbie level 6
Feb 15, 2012
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hi i am doing aes implementation on fpga .i am not synthesized for the below code.
module test(output[127:0]y,input clk);
reg rst;
reg [383:0] tv[512:0];
reg [383:0] tmp;
reg kld,ld;
reg [127:0] key;
reg [127:0] plain, ciph;
reg [127:0] text_in;
wire [127:0] text_out;
wire [127:0] text_out2;
reg [127:0] text_exp;
wire done, done2;
integer n, error_cnt;
kld = 0;
error_cnt = 0;
if (clk==1'b1)
tv[0]<= 384'h000000000000000000000000000000009798c4640bad75c7c3227db910174e72a9a1631bf4996954ebc093957b234589;
kld = 1;
rst <= 0;
assign tmp = tv[0];
assign key = kld ? tmp[383:256] : 128'hx;
assign text_in = kld ? tmp[255:128] : 128'hx;


kld = 0;
rst <= 1;

if(text_out != ciph | (|text_out)==1'bx)
error_cnt = error_cnt + 1;

if(text_out2 != plain | (|text_out2)==1'bx)
error_cnt = error_cnt + 1;

assign plain = tmp[255:128];
assign ciph = tmp[127:0];
assign ld= kld;
aes_cipher_top u0(clk,rst,kld,done,key,text_in,text_out);
aes_inv_cipher_top u1(clk,rst,ld,kld,done,key,text_in,text_out);
assign y=plain;
these are the warnings getting below me in solving...
Reading design: test.prj

* HDL Compilation *
Compiling verilog file "aes.v" in library work
Module <test> compiled
Module <aes_key_expand_128> compiled
Module <aes_sbox> compiled
Module <aes_rcon> compiled
Module <aes_inv_cipher_top> compiled
Module <aes_inv_sbox> compiled
Module <aes_cipher_top> compiled
No errors in compilation
Analysis of file <"test.prj"> succeeded.

* Design Hierarchy Analysis *
Analyzing hierarchy for module <test> in library <work>.

Analyzing hierarchy for module <aes_cipher_top> in library <work>.

Analyzing hierarchy for module <aes_inv_cipher_top> in library <work>.

Analyzing hierarchy for module <aes_key_expand_128> in library <work>.

Analyzing hierarchy for module <aes_sbox> in library <work>.

Analyzing hierarchy for module <aes_inv_sbox> in library <work>.

Analyzing hierarchy for module <aes_rcon> in library <work>.

* HDL Analysis *
Analyzing top module <test>.
WARNING:Xst:916 - "aes.v" line 22: Delay is ignored for synthesis.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 42: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:916 - "aes.v" line 22: Delay is ignored for synthesis.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 42: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:916 - "aes.v" line 22: Delay is ignored for synthesis.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 42: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:916 - "aes.v" line 22: Delay is ignored for synthesis.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 42: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:2320 - "aes.v" line 31: Value for signal kld in initial block is not constant. The initialization will be ignored.
WARNING:Xst:2320 - "aes.v" line 44: Value for signal error_cnt in initial block is not constant. The initialization will be ignored.
WARNING:Xst:2320 - "aes.v" line 25: Value for signal tmp in initial block is not constant. The initialization will be ignored.
WARNING:Xst:2320 - "aes.v" line 26: Value for signal key in initial block is not constant. The initialization will be ignored.
WARNING:Xst:2320 - "aes.v" line 27: Value for signal text_in in initial block is not constant. The initialization will be ignored.
WARNING:Xst:2320 - "aes.v" line 49: Value for signal plain in initial block is not constant. The initialization will be ignored.
WARNING:Xst:2320 - "aes.v" line 50: Value for signal ciph in initial block is not constant. The initialization will be ignored.
WARNING:Xst:2320 - "aes.v" line 51: Value for signal ld in initial block is not constant. The initialization will be ignored.
WARNING:Xst:2320 - "aes.v" line 21: Value for signal tv in initial block is not constant. The initialization will be ignored.
WARNING:Xst:2320 - "aes.v" line 33: Value for signal rst in initial block is not constant. The initialization will be ignored.
FATAL_ERROR:Xst:portability/export/Port_Main.h:143:1.17 - This application has discovered an exceptional condition from which it cannot recover. Process will terminate. For technical support on this issue, please open a WebCase with this project attached at

Process "Synthesis" failed

Hi darshankumar,

Does your code contain any of the cases mentioned in the below link? Just check and correct accordingly. If not, open a Webcase and try to get a workaround for this.
**broken link removed**

Do press the helped me button if this is helpful.


The code has many constructs which are not synthesisable..two of them are:


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    Points: 2
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First: You can not have procedural assigns (i.e. assign statements) inside the initial block.
Second: initial blocks are ignored for synthesis except a few very specific case in some synthesis tools, your whole code seems inside the initial block.

Coding style needs to be corrected.


First: You can not have procedural assigns (i.e. assign statements) inside the initial block.
Second: initial blocks are ignored for synthesis except a few very specific case in some synthesis tools, your whole code seems inside the initial block.

Coding style needs to be corrected.


thanks for all your suggstions

The module in the OP looks like a typical testbench. I doubt it will synthesize to what you want...

Also ...

WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.

That leads me to suspect that aes.v is not going to synthesize all that well either.

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