Newbie level 6
hi i am doing aes implementation on fpga .i am not synthesized for the below code.
module test(output[127:0]y,input clk);
reg rst;
reg [383:0] tv[512:0];
reg [383:0] tmp;
reg kld,ld;
reg [127:0] key;
reg [127:0] plain, ciph;
reg [127:0] text_in;
wire [127:0] text_out;
wire [127:0] text_out2;
reg [127:0] text_exp;
wire done, done2;
integer n, error_cnt;
kld = 0;
error_cnt = 0;
if (clk==1'b1)
tv[0]<= 384'h000000000000000000000000000000009798c4640bad75c7c3227db910174e72a9a1631bf4996954ebc093957b234589;
kld = 1;
rst <= 0;
assign tmp = tv[0];
assign key = kld ? tmp[383:256] : 128'hx;
assign text_in = kld ? tmp[255:128] : 128'hx;
kld = 0;
rst <= 1;
if(text_out != ciph | (|text_out)==1'bx)
error_cnt = error_cnt + 1;
if(text_out2 != plain | (|text_out2)==1'bx)
error_cnt = error_cnt + 1;
assign plain = tmp[255:128];
assign ciph = tmp[127:0];
assign ld= kld;
aes_cipher_top u0(clk,rst,kld,done,key,text_in,text_out);
aes_inv_cipher_top u1(clk,rst,ld,kld,done,key,text_in,text_out);
assign y=plain;
these are the warnings getting below .....help me in solving...
Reading design: test.prj
* HDL Compilation *
Compiling verilog file "aes.v" in library work
Module <test> compiled
Module <aes_key_expand_128> compiled
Module <aes_sbox> compiled
Module <aes_rcon> compiled
Module <aes_inv_cipher_top> compiled
Module <aes_inv_sbox> compiled
Module <aes_cipher_top> compiled
No errors in compilation
Analysis of file <"test.prj"> succeeded.
* Design Hierarchy Analysis *
Analyzing hierarchy for module <test> in library <work>.
Analyzing hierarchy for module <aes_cipher_top> in library <work>.
Analyzing hierarchy for module <aes_inv_cipher_top> in library <work>.
Analyzing hierarchy for module <aes_key_expand_128> in library <work>.
Analyzing hierarchy for module <aes_sbox> in library <work>.
Analyzing hierarchy for module <aes_inv_sbox> in library <work>.
Analyzing hierarchy for module <aes_rcon> in library <work>.
* HDL Analysis *
Analyzing top module <test>.
WARNING:Xst:916 - "aes.v" line 22: Delay is ignored for synthesis.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 42: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:916 - "aes.v" line 22: Delay is ignored for synthesis.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 42: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:916 - "aes.v" line 22: Delay is ignored for synthesis.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 42: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:916 - "aes.v" line 22: Delay is ignored for synthesis.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 42: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:2320 - "aes.v" line 31: Value for signal kld in initial block is not constant. The initialization will be ignored.
WARNING:Xst:2320 - "aes.v" line 44: Value for signal error_cnt in initial block is not constant. The initialization will be ignored.
WARNING:Xst:2320 - "aes.v" line 25: Value for signal tmp in initial block is not constant. The initialization will be ignored.
WARNING:Xst:2320 - "aes.v" line 26: Value for signal key in initial block is not constant. The initialization will be ignored.
WARNING:Xst:2320 - "aes.v" line 27: Value for signal text_in in initial block is not constant. The initialization will be ignored.
WARNING:Xst:2320 - "aes.v" line 49: Value for signal plain in initial block is not constant. The initialization will be ignored.
WARNING:Xst:2320 - "aes.v" line 50: Value for signal ciph in initial block is not constant. The initialization will be ignored.
WARNING:Xst:2320 - "aes.v" line 51: Value for signal ld in initial block is not constant. The initialization will be ignored.
WARNING:Xst:2320 - "aes.v" line 21: Value for signal tv in initial block is not constant. The initialization will be ignored.
WARNING:Xst:2320 - "aes.v" line 33: Value for signal rst in initial block is not constant. The initialization will be ignored.
FATAL_ERROR:Xstortability/export/Port_Main.h:143:1.17 - This application has discovered an exceptional condition from which it cannot recover. Process will terminate. For technical support on this issue, please open a WebCase with this project attached at https://www.xilinx.com/support.
Process "Synthesis" failed
module test(output[127:0]y,input clk);
reg rst;
reg [383:0] tv[512:0];
reg [383:0] tmp;
reg kld,ld;
reg [127:0] key;
reg [127:0] plain, ciph;
reg [127:0] text_in;
wire [127:0] text_out;
wire [127:0] text_out2;
reg [127:0] text_exp;
wire done, done2;
integer n, error_cnt;
kld = 0;
error_cnt = 0;
if (clk==1'b1)
tv[0]<= 384'h000000000000000000000000000000009798c4640bad75c7c3227db910174e72a9a1631bf4996954ebc093957b234589;
kld = 1;
rst <= 0;
assign tmp = tv[0];
assign key = kld ? tmp[383:256] : 128'hx;
assign text_in = kld ? tmp[255:128] : 128'hx;
kld = 0;
rst <= 1;
if(text_out != ciph | (|text_out)==1'bx)
error_cnt = error_cnt + 1;
if(text_out2 != plain | (|text_out2)==1'bx)
error_cnt = error_cnt + 1;
assign plain = tmp[255:128];
assign ciph = tmp[127:0];
assign ld= kld;
aes_cipher_top u0(clk,rst,kld,done,key,text_in,text_out);
aes_inv_cipher_top u1(clk,rst,ld,kld,done,key,text_in,text_out);
assign y=plain;
these are the warnings getting below .....help me in solving...
Reading design: test.prj
* HDL Compilation *
Compiling verilog file "aes.v" in library work
Module <test> compiled
Module <aes_key_expand_128> compiled
Module <aes_sbox> compiled
Module <aes_rcon> compiled
Module <aes_inv_cipher_top> compiled
Module <aes_inv_sbox> compiled
Module <aes_cipher_top> compiled
No errors in compilation
Analysis of file <"test.prj"> succeeded.
* Design Hierarchy Analysis *
Analyzing hierarchy for module <test> in library <work>.
Analyzing hierarchy for module <aes_cipher_top> in library <work>.
Analyzing hierarchy for module <aes_inv_cipher_top> in library <work>.
Analyzing hierarchy for module <aes_key_expand_128> in library <work>.
Analyzing hierarchy for module <aes_sbox> in library <work>.
Analyzing hierarchy for module <aes_inv_sbox> in library <work>.
Analyzing hierarchy for module <aes_rcon> in library <work>.
* HDL Analysis *
Analyzing top module <test>.
WARNING:Xst:916 - "aes.v" line 22: Delay is ignored for synthesis.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 42: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:916 - "aes.v" line 22: Delay is ignored for synthesis.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 42: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:916 - "aes.v" line 22: Delay is ignored for synthesis.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 42: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:916 - "aes.v" line 22: Delay is ignored for synthesis.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 36: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:864 - "aes.v" line 42: Comparisons to 'X' or 'Z' are treated as always false.
WARNING:Xst:2320 - "aes.v" line 31: Value for signal kld in initial block is not constant. The initialization will be ignored.
WARNING:Xst:2320 - "aes.v" line 44: Value for signal error_cnt in initial block is not constant. The initialization will be ignored.
WARNING:Xst:2320 - "aes.v" line 25: Value for signal tmp in initial block is not constant. The initialization will be ignored.
WARNING:Xst:2320 - "aes.v" line 26: Value for signal key in initial block is not constant. The initialization will be ignored.
WARNING:Xst:2320 - "aes.v" line 27: Value for signal text_in in initial block is not constant. The initialization will be ignored.
WARNING:Xst:2320 - "aes.v" line 49: Value for signal plain in initial block is not constant. The initialization will be ignored.
WARNING:Xst:2320 - "aes.v" line 50: Value for signal ciph in initial block is not constant. The initialization will be ignored.
WARNING:Xst:2320 - "aes.v" line 51: Value for signal ld in initial block is not constant. The initialization will be ignored.
WARNING:Xst:2320 - "aes.v" line 21: Value for signal tv in initial block is not constant. The initialization will be ignored.
WARNING:Xst:2320 - "aes.v" line 33: Value for signal rst in initial block is not constant. The initialization will be ignored.
FATAL_ERROR:Xstortability/export/Port_Main.h:143:1.17 - This application has discovered an exceptional condition from which it cannot recover. Process will terminate. For technical support on this issue, please open a WebCase with this project attached at https://www.xilinx.com/support.
Process "Synthesis" failed