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i need some aircondition monitoring protocols with rs485 compatibility for my project

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Member level 3
Nov 24, 2010
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hi i am using stc12c5a60s2 controller for air-condition monitoring system through rs485. i receive air-condition details through rs485 and send the details to host using another rs485. for this project i need some protocols for monitoring air-condition parameters like temperature,fan speed,compressor etc.

Hi, it's good you're trying to use an existing protocol rather than re-invent the wheel : )
Some SCADA protocol maybe? Like Modbus? Unfortunately I don't know much about it, but that is the area I would investigate. Otherwise,
investigate 'building management systems', they may have their own protocols.
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thank you sky_123.. i searched internet for SCADA and Modbus protocols and i got some ideas to choose my protocol..but i need protocol with rs485 compatibility..still i am searching for the one.

Modbus RTU or ASCII format could be sent over RS485 since it is a serial protocol, maybe that might be worth investigating.
However that is just from the Wikipedia entry, I don't know any more detail on it : (

re Protocols, these are the way that manufacturers send their data over links, so each one would be related to one manufacturer UNLESS there is an industry standard. I spent the last 10 years of my working life integrating different bits of kit (each with their own protocols) into an operator friendly control system. Even if there is an "Industry Standard", you will find that each manufacturer has its own take on it.
So I would get the handbooks on the bits of kit you want to use and start from there. As mentioned, the data is likely to be serial ASCII which can be sent over all sorts of data links and at any sort of speeds. Just remembered, we had to deal with a piece of kit that was designed to be driven from a local PC, so the interesting data had to be parsed out of a serial screen print!!

i go through with MODBUS RTU and ASCII protocols.. i think MODBUS ASCII is good for my project..thanks for guidance.. thanks sky_123 and chuckey

for my project i choose DATAMATE 3000 small room air-condition monitoring protocol.. but i don't know where to start my programmming.. i know serial programming.. i need some sample programs for datamate 3000..i can't change the protocol..

that is the only way but ,if i get some sample codes it is very useful for my project.. because no details with me except datasheet..

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