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request to convert ASM file to HEX file for PIC based CDN timer

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Full Member level 1
May 1, 2010
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India, Kerala, Moolamattom
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Help me please.............

I have a timer circuit diagram and an *.asm file. I try to convert to *.hex, but not succes.

I attached the schematic and *.asm file herewith.

Can this circuit convert to this type.... ( Canverted Timer 2)

can help me anyone please?

Thanks in advance

Manoj soorya


  • timer.jpg
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  • timer asm.txt
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  • Canverted Timer 2.JPG
    Canverted Timer 2.JPG
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The chip shown the 16C84 is a one time only programmable chip and it is effectivley obselete.

It might be possible to make the code run on the 16F84A chip if you can get that ?

Also the diagram and code make no mention of what frequency the crystal should be - it is a critical component.


Have slightly modified that code to work on a 16F84A and it seems to simulate ok based on a 4mhz crystal, though cannot be sure thats the right value for real time.
The revised Assembler code is below which Builds fine with MPlab, but ensure you have the Disable Case Sensistivity box Ticked, its in MPlabs Project, Build Options,Darkroom.asm

There are lots of more up to date 4 digit darkroom / countdown timers on the web , this Piclist site is usually good


  • darkroom.rar
    3.3 KB · Views: 90

Hi wp100

Thaank you for your attenssion on my post.

I get you, what you mean. But i want the hex file too.

Can you make hex file from the asm ? and send it to me?


---------- Post added at 10:28 ---------- Previous post was at 10:08 ----------


I want to construct a 3 digit counter, which count 5.00 minutes to 0.01 seconds.

Only want 3 digit display.....

I will be explain for what i want to make, if you like to hear..

Thank you again
Manoj Soorya

I will be explain for what i want to make, if you like to hear..


Yes, it would be interesting to know..

The hex file created from the Assember file I sent is below.


  • darkroom.rar
    1,014 bytes · Views: 83


Thank you very much for your work. I want to simulate the circuit with your hex file later. Now I want to say thanks again.

I need a timer with 3 digit 7 segment display.

my suggession is as follows:( you can choose any microcontroller)

1. 3 digit, 7 segment display

2. Each digit can need UP/DOWN setting switch

3. It must can set time 9.99 minutes to 0.01 seconds.

4. When we set 5.00 minutes in display, it mean the "ON" time of the Timer System.

5. Then press the "SET" switch...the timer will run countdown...and output will be "ON" for 5.00 Minute

6. When the time reach the target or 0.00, the output will OFF and again rollback the display in 5.00

7. Then we dont need to start the timer for five minute ( 5.00 ) again, just press the "SET".

Its my poor language...sorry for that....But i want to understand you, what i think.

I think you can get my idea and what i need....may i hope your valuable help again?

Thank you so much for your Help.
Thank you so much for your Help.

hi all ...........

I have timer circuit.....I need to include START/STOP, SET switch the circuit if anyone can....I think it is the best......but no switch in working condition...

thanks in advance

Manoj soorya


  • D C D Timer.rar
    92.9 KB · Views: 91


This forum is to give people the advice and information to complete their projects, don't think you will find anyone willing to re write someone elses code for you.

In a quick Google I soon found some darkroom timers with the features you are looking for - this page shows a very detailed project that gives me confidence it will work.

This forum is to give people the advice and information to complete their projects, don't think you will find anyone willing to re write someone elses code for you.

In a quick Google I soon found some darkroom timers with the features you are looking for - this page shows a very detailed project that gives me confidence it will work.

hi wp100

Thanks for your comments....and I check the above link. Interesting, but i want only 3 digit what can i do? any other link? please....

Thanks wp100 for your valuable help....thanks again and i hope you can help me more...

hi wp100

I only want to count 9.99 minutes to 0.00 seconds....when incresing one digit, the programe will much complicated, I think....

Any suggessions?

hi wp100

I only want to count 9.99 minutes to 0.00 seconds....when incresing one digit, the programe will much complicated, I think....

Any suggessions?


Those previous example do not work very well and are poorly documented.

Unless you can find a good example on the web the only other choice is to write your own.

If you want to use Pic assembler then this is a good starting point.
There is a 3 digit tutorial here

You could look for other examples in C or even a different micros like the Arduino
Hi wp100

I have a code in asm file.....

how to convert into text file from asm file and viseversa?

This is the text i have....

DB 000H 000H 010H 000H 010H 000H 0F0H 03FH 0F0H 03FH 010H 020H 010H 000H 010H 000H;"T",18
DB 000H 000H 000H 000H 0F0H 03FH 0F0H 03FH 010H 021H 0B0H 023H 0B0H 033H 000H 030H;"E",19
DB 000H 000H 000H 000H 0F0H 03FH 0F0H 03FH 000H 020H 000H 020H 000H 030H 000H 030H;"L",20
DB 000H 000H 080H 061H 080H 061H 080H 021H 000H 000H 000H 000H 000H 000H 000H 000H;":",21
DB 000H 000H 000H 000H 020H 000H 0F0H 03FH 0F0H 03FH 000H 020H 000H 000H 000H 000H;"1",22
DB 000H 000H 000H 000H 020H 020H 030H 060H 010H 041H 0F0H 063H 0F0H 03EH 000H 01CH;"3",23
DB 000H 000H 0C0H 000H 0F0H 043H 030H 067H 010H 036H 0F0H 01FH 0F0H 00FH 080H 001H;"9",24
DB 000H 000H 020H 000H 030H 000H 010H 030H 010H 03FH 0F0H 00FH 0F0H 000H 000H 000H;"7",25
DB 000H 000H 000H 000H 020H 020H 030H 060H 010H 041H 0F0H 063H 0F0H 03EH 000H 01CH;"3",26
DB 000H 000H 000H 00EH 0C0H 03FH 0E0H 071H 030H 041H 010H 073H 000H 03FH 000H 00CH;"6",27
DB 000H 000H 000H 000H 020H 020H 030H 060H 010H 041H 0F0H 063H 0F0H 03EH 000H 01CH;"3",28
DB 000H 000H 020H 000H 030H 000H 010H 030H 010H 03FH 0F0H 00FH 0F0H 000H 000H 000H;"7",29
DB 000H 000H 000H 006H 080H 007H 0C0H 005H 060H 004H 0F0H 03FH 0F0H 03FH 000H 004H;"4",30
DB 000H 000H 000H 000H 020H 020H 030H 060H 010H 041H 0F0H 063H 0F0H 03EH 000H 01CH;"3",31
DB 000H 000H 000H 006H 080H 007H 0C0H 005H 060H 004H 0F0H 03FH 0F0H 03FH 000H 004H;"4",32

how to convert to text to asm file?

and i want to display "Hotel Kadambari" insted of the above message :"TEL:13973637434"......please help me..

Thank you
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What you have there is Assembler.

Its a block of data, typically used to send to a liquid crystal display

From Mplab Help on 'DB'

db - Declare Data of One Byte
[label] db expr[,expr,...,expr]
db - Data Byte.

Simple Examples
Example1: PIC16 Devices

db 0x0f, "t", 0x0f, "e", 0x0f, "s", 0x0f, "t", "\n"
ASCII: 0x0F74 0x0F65 0x0F73 0x0F74 0x0a00

Have you found a suitable timer program yet or are you trying to write your own ..?

Hi sir......i am tired..not yet get suitable timer program !!!!

Now i am trying to build a moving message display. can you check this and help me to build.......


  • 16 64.rar
    94.7 KB · Views: 75


Those files simulate ok, but they are quiet big and expensive circuits, and the code shown has little to explain to you how its working.

Also they are using the ATmel chips and ATmel Assembler which as not the same as Microchip Pics.

Why not start with something simpler that you can readily understand and then build on that.

This tutiorial covers both the software and the cheap and simple hardware.

The trouble with using other folks code is you learn very little

It you really want to get into Assembler programming then all those lessons are a good place to start, just coding your own single Flashing LED is a real sense of achievement

hi, thanks for your valuable suggesstion.....

I will be back with good result in PIC or any other microcontroller.......and thanks for your links too.....its quite good for me...

Thank you

hi wp100

finally i get a timer design with all files.........but i want to some changes in the asm file. but I am not know how to edit the asm file which i want.

can you help me....check the attachment please......also has proteus simulation and what change i need, its has a PDF file please help me....its very urgent.....that I contact you really

Thanking you

manoj soorya


  • meeting timer.rar
    104.2 KB · Views: 89


Yes ,it seems to run well in Proteus, but afraid I do not know the ATmel chips or C programming so cannot help you modify things.

Hopefullysomeone else might come and help you...

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