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I need to send the data to PC from my MCU via USATR.

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Advanced Member level 3
Advanced Member level 3
Aug 1, 2011
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Dear all,
I need to send the data to PC from my MCU via USATR. I did it using MAX232 Protocol
So my request is the data received to PC,I need to store in the Database or Spreadsheet
currently the data received to Hyper terminal
Is there any software better than Hyper terminal which easy to capture data and store in the Database
My MCU is 16f877a
Please help
Thanks in advance

Use comport toolkit or the terminal function available on flash magic

---------- Post added at 13:40 ---------- Previous post was at 13:18 ----------

For DATA LOGGING - as you said storing data , you need to write program in VB or C that opens a file writes to it and then stores the content !!!
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Dear All
Thanks for reply
As I know in Asynchronous transmission mode the clock rates not sync both Tx and Rx side which is independent clocks rate.
Let suppose, we need to communicate between two devices with different clock rates or maximum clock rate
Please advice me how can we implements such situation using MCU like pic 16f877a
please advice
Thanks in advance


Maybe you can use Hardware UART for one and Software UART for the other !


You can also look at
For more specific data types, i guess you will need to write your own program on PC.
I suggest to use Visual Studio Express.
The Serial Port port useage is quite simple.

Is there any software better than Hyper terminal


Find that Putty is much more friendly, reliable and versatile than hyper terminal.

Don't forget you can connect your serial rs232 cable to one of the cheap ebay " Serial RS232 DB9 to USB Adapters" and take the data in via a USB port.

I am also in need of a PC program to take the data into a database etc, if you find or write one would appreciate a link to it.

PA3040 said:
Let suppose, we need to communicate between two devices with different clock rates or maximum clock rate
If two MCUs are to communicate with each other via UART, or an MCU with PC via RS232, baudrates must be synchronized.
In your situation it seems that there is no problem, set the same baudrate on both devices. Except if it is something else that you need that I did not got it clearly.

PA3040 said:
Is there any software better than Hyper terminal which easy to capture data and store in the Database
Here is an edaboard thread on this that could be proved helpful:



if you send your data (ascii format) to a "hyper terminal" witch has the capacity of logging all data in a file,
you can use Comma Separated Value CSV (excel) format .. and then export as Database with excel or directly use excel as simple database.

An other way is to use DBF format (old but simple to use) to build a file data.
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