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What are the types of servo motor?

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Feb 14, 2012
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I have a DC Servo motor (12V) with only two inputs, when i connect the 12V at its inputs, then it moves in one direction, and when i reverse the polarity, then it moves in the opposite direction. My question is that what are the types of servo motor, is there any servo motor with two inputs, if yes, then what is the difference b/w this servo motor and DC motor? Reply plz. Excuse my english.

Re: Types of Servo motor

This sounds like a simple brushed DC motor and not a servomotor.
By definition, a servomotor is a motor with feedback that allows position control.

Re: Types of Servo motor

Servo is a motor application, not a motor type. In your case, it's obviously a brushed DC motor.

I agree with the Wikipedia definition: "A servomotor is a motor which forms part of a servomechanism". In principle, any motor type can be for it, depending on the speed, power, and control precision requirements.

Re: Types of Servo motor

Thanks both, how can i use this motor with pic mcu to control an air pressure valve?

Re: Types of Servo motor

There're many ways to achieve you're goal.
Is there a reason why you want to use this particular motor and not an of the shelf servo ?

Re: Types of Servo motor

As i have no idea of shelf servo, so it will be a little bit difficult for me to use it in my project, and the above stated motor is like a dc motor, that's why i want to use it. if you have some to the point supporting material, programing techniques and some pictures and diagrams, then please mail me or send me a link. i will use shelf servo. thanks

Re: Types of Servo motor

You didn't provide the necessary design requirments (tourqe, speed, temperature etc...) for your valve actuator so it's hard to recommand a servo.
Please review this link for an of the shelf HOBBY GRADE servo.
**broken link removed**

The above is easily controlled via a PWM signal.
Re: Types of Servo motor

how can i use this motor with pic mcu to control an air pressure valve?
It's mainly a mechanical design problem, required type of motion (linear, rotational), force/torque and control speed.

For the servo mechanisnm, you should know if you are controlling a position or a pressure.

Re: Types of Servo motor

If you want to control the direction of your motor you need to consider using a H-Bridge, and then possibly some sensors to limit the movement.
Re: Types of Servo motor

Hobby grade actuators (like the one in the link) have the motor/power electronics/feedback/controller all integrated in a single case with only cables connected to it (Vcc, Ground and PWM control signal.
It's typical rotation range is +90 to -90 degrees. I've seen some kits that can convert them to linear movements though.

Please remember that these are HOBBY GRADE and shouldn't be considered for high reliability uses such as: Life supporting devices, cold fusion reactors, putting a man (or dog) on Moon/Mars, etc...

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