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Why Do People Hate/fear Mathematics?

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Nov 9, 2011
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In my opinion people think that mathematics is the most difficult subject!! I have made an research about that what is the reason behind their thinking and I found that their basics are not so good as most of the people thinks only about how to solve the problem and don't try to understand the logic behind it and most of the teachers also don't take much interest in explaining the students in simpler and different way and that's why the student feel bored in understanding it .I would love to hear suggestions from you also.
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Its boring and bad presented in schools, just like some numbers on school table.
Looking in that numbers on school table or on white paper require concentration, what is hard to have on long time.

People is being which like to see colors and nature, not some numbers on papers.

People must be nerd or fascinated to love this. Sometimes its useful to use it, but not all day and always.

People dont see link between many math calc and real life and that wors things. When practical example exist that is challenge to see.
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Digital education using smart classes and animations can help in this regard.Childs gets attracted towards animations.Animated mathematical topics may be of help in bringing interests in students.

Nothing new in math in last 5000 years, we just cycling and cycling. After WWIII we starting again from begining.

You cant discover nothing new like in physics, astronomy, chemistry,....

Hi tpetar,

u can't say nothing happnd in last 5000 years.Afterall calculus was developed by Sir Issac Newton sometime around 200yrs back. String theory is a hot topic in present days of mathematics.Moreover most of the algorithms are mostly developed by mathematicians.Also there are some interdisciplinary topics like non-linear dynamics,chaos where mathematicians contributes a lot.

So my personal feeling that mathematics is still a subject which is contributing to our society and will keepon contributing in future aswell.


I think one's love/hate of mathematics is partially due to the way they were introduced to it. The credit/blame should partially be due to the teachers. Maybe the mathematics teachers that one has in early childhood were not math teachers at all but were forced to teach math. If one is not enthusiastic about a subject, it will definitely show in their teaching style. This can be transferred to many of the pupils who then will develop a distaste for the subject. I am not saying this is the only answer but in my mind it is a large part of the answer.

This is psychology question or question about human nature.

What people love more about some story, to watch movie or read book about that story ?
What You think where will be most people on front Full HD TV with some pop corn or on some chair and table and read book ?

I dont say that math is bad. Math is in all our life in small or bigger amount, and is basic element of almost all science.

You can have bad teacher in other science class and mostly that is not the case. When we have bad teacher for some sports class this is not the case. Why?

Affinities of people are different between each other, but common for all people is human psychology with smaller number of exceptions.
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I agree ... sometimes I rather go fishing than to do work -- but we all have responsibilities which must be properly balanced.
I am not saying that all people should love math or any other subject. However, if you have a bad introduction you will never get
a good chance to know if you would have liked that subject or not. First impressions are very important, especially if those impressions
are at an early age. Believe it or not, there are people in this world that don't have TVs -- not because they cannot afford them or it
is not available in their part of the world. This is a choice ... what somebody enjoys -- others may totally hate.


Of course of course, I give just like example TV.

I think human brain is configured and designed to have more relaxed time then high concentration needed for calc and writing. Of course excersize do the job, that some things we done few times next time will be easier and faster.
For concentration brain consumes lots of energy from body. But if we ask children if thez whant to go to play football or do math calc what will be answer?

Teacher quality and way of animation on classes is of course very important, but I think this is not major factor for this. This is case in whole world. I dont think that there is such big number of bad teachers.

Why men rather watch action movies, footbals, boxing, F1, NasCar, war movies, fighting.... and womans rather watch romance, drama,...
Of course this is not law but ...

I think we are beings which want everything and we are limited with some biological elements in us.
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I really feel that mathematics and programming falls into the same category.. They both are not the subjects which u can just memorize the theory..

Somehow it needs some 'talent' and interest.. my mathematics are good but my programming r ****!

Good Mathematical skills Manifest Logical Brain. Cramming Doesn't work in Mathematics.It Demands Practice. Any one can be good in Mathematics.It is only Hard work what requires for good mathematical Skill. Mathematics is not difficult. Hard work and practice are difficult.

Programming and mathematics goes hand-in-hand.Both needs logical thinking and skills.While programming comes in later stage of learning, mathematics starts early in one's learning stage.So mathematics helps develop Programming skills.

Its boring and bad presented in schools, just like some numbers on school table.

Mathematics is not a boring subject. Actually it is not being represent in intresting way. Mathematics doesn't have gossips in it. It highly depends on facts. To make it intresting ancient Indian mathematicians had worked a lot. They made Vadic Mathematics with easy formulas, puzzles to solve mathematical equations and problems. If a child starts with vadic mathematics, he can easily grasp the subject and can make fun with the subject.

Why humans prefer physics than mathematics ? Why they love to see some practical example in some physics experiment ?

Math is implemented in all parts in our lives and its base of almost all other science, but when we speak about math in school and kids, the situation is such that kids rather whant to see some results with their eyes not with thinking.

Physic also have included math, but they whant to see how some formula give some result in real life.

In chemistry also best part is practical lab experiment, and not some pencil in hand.

We cant compare past times and this what we have today, if you just see what we have today in our lives, from tv, computer games, mobile phones, games everywhere, robotic inteligent toys,.... all of that in 24h per day, and after that we expect from some kids to pay attention on some numbers on school table. I dont think that this work. ;-) Also ancient Indian and others didnt have this things to that they distract from math. Why we use PC to make some calc ?
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Without knowledge of fundamental rules of mathematics, what a children can learn... playing with robots, computer games and using PC calculator can't be devlop their intelligency. And this is only misconception that being in technology, anyone can be intelligent. and this leads to loosing interest in subjects, either maths or other subjects.

Even technology developers use basic fundamentals and formulas.

and my friend... Fear of any subject is just lack of interest. Interset can be develop by making the subject more fun.

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