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physical design libraries

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Dec 15, 2011
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What are the different technological libraries that are required for physical design?
What are technology rule files?
Is their sometihng called time library,power library,noise library?

physical library: LEF file, techno lef which contains the technology rules for the metal layers, and LEF file for all stdcell/pad/memories/macro (in general) which describe the pin positions/obstructions/antenna.
power lib are inside LIBERTY files.
noise library come from cdb files.
RC data come from nxtgrd/captable files
can u please elobrate littel more. So that i get better understanding.

hai pavitra,
As rca said is right,

Technology rule file: -
Additional to that there is Technology rule for lvs and drc rule files will also differ according to the pdk..

library file :-
Basically lib file is divided into Worst case, bestcase and typical library file. (these three differs due to Process Voltage and Temperature (PVT))

worst case:-fast process, highest voltage and lowest temperature
Typical case :- mid of this..
Best case:- slow process, lowest voltage and highest temperature

In project level if u satisfy worst and best.. maximum typical case will also be satisfied...

Normally every lib file will be like this
Denoting max - process
1p5v - voltage
125c - Temperature

This may help... Thanks :p

1. Explanation about technology:
o Digital design is divided as Front end and Back end. Front end is the area where we design IP without considering the technology node (Ex: 65n, 28n...)
o Once the RTL is ready, we decide the technology. To implement the design IP in particular technology node, we need standard cell and its deliverable in that node.

2. Libraries:
o Libraries contain basic cell like NAND, FLOPS and Boolean functions.
o In Synthesis, RTL a technology independent code is converted into gate level netlist(Specific to the technology node)
3. Place and Route:
o During this process, tool picks the cells from library and place them.
o For placement and routing we need to know the routing data within the cell. This routing info is present in CORE LEF.
o For routing of metal and VIAs we need to have TECHNOLOGY LEF. In this lef pitch and VIAs will be defined considering lpad rules.
o Cells need to be placed considering the timing, this info is present in ".liberty" files.
o ". liberality" files are generated by characterizing the standard cells. Characterization means operating the cells at different load and slew and creating a file with these values. Which will be help full during RTL - GDSII for timing constraints.
CDB is "celtic data base" model file for crosstalk noise analysis.

Usually there will not be separate library for noise . CCS libraries will have noise data as well. (As far as I know.). Rest well explained by @Vijay and @Somashekar in above posts.

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