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Recent content by xokolatecake

  1. X

    How to clear the code protection in MK3 software?

    code protection on mk3 Hi, I'm having trouble clearing code protection in MK3 software, i keep getting the 'CP seems to be on!' when i do a read-back on the eeprom! does anyone have a clue on this?
  2. X

    Can't clear code protection!

    My board works at 5V...i was unable to program the pic through MPLAB IDE 7.01 as you suggested because there's no way the software would recognise my board! if you have any other ideas please post!
  3. X

    Can't clear code protection!

    will MPLAB software work with my TK3 board? what configurations should i do?
  4. X

    Can't clear code protection!

    This file is named TK3verifylist.txt held in TK3 folder and may be read via your text editor. Use Bin-Dec-Hex to determine the bit(s) affected SENT READBACK All i get is this when i click 'Show errors', there are no error codes listed! have a clue?
  5. X

    Can't clear code protection!

    ; setting Port B to output mode and turn on each led ORG 0 ; Reset Vector address GOTO 5 ; go to PIC address location 5 ORG 4 ; Interrupt Vector address GOTO 5 ; go to PIC address location 5...
  6. X

    Can't clear code protection!

    hi, i recently got myself a TK3 board and MK3 software to program a pic16F877A. somehow the CP is on, and i can't clear it. I've tried to erase program and eeprom memory, but when i read-back the eeprom there's only zeros and the software tells me that CP seems to be on. can anyone give me a...

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